Genoa Man Killed
Sunday Relative
Of Nels JohnsonJohn Young, Genoa business man who was accidentally killed Sunday while trying to kill a hog with a .33 caliber revolver, was a brother-in-law of Nels Johnson of Ord, the Quiz learns. His wife is Mr. Johnson’s sister and the Ord man will go to Genoa to attend the funeral services.
Newspaper stories of the accident say that a hog had broken its leg while in the chute at a Genoa slaughter house and Mr. Young was trying to kill it with a revolver. His first shot only wounded the animal and while maneuvering for a better position Mr. Young slipped and fell, the revolver discharging accidentally and the bullet penetrating his brain. He was a prominent business man at Genoa.
– “Genoa Man Killed Sunday Relative of Nels Johnson,” The Ord Quiz, Vol. 51, No. 39, p. 12 (Ord, Nebraska, 22 Dec 1932), Ord Quiz Archive, Ord Township Library, http://ordlibrary.org/ordquiz/1932/1932%2012.pdf : accessed 19 Dec 2012.