Multiracial and Multiethnic Trees

New York Times: Mixed America's Family Trees
New York Times: Mixed Amer­i­ca’s Fam­i­ly Trees

The New York Times has an arti­cle and an accom­pa­ny­ing inter­ac­tive fea­ture that allows users to explore the Amer­i­can phe­nom­e­non of mul­tira­cial and mul­ti­eth­nic fam­i­lies.

The sto­ry points out that the gov­ern­ment uses sta­tis­tics on race and eth­nic­i­ty to address race- and eth­nic-based inequities, how­ev­er the increas­ing­ly com­plex nature of fam­i­ly back­grounds is caus­ing a shift from tra­di­tion­al “select one” to more accu­rate “select all that are appro­pri­ate” mea­sures. The sto­ry fea­tures a young woman, “Michelle López-Mullins — a uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent who is of Peru­vian, Chi­nese, Irish, Shawnee and Chero­kee descent” and notes that the Edu­ca­tion Depart­ment would clas­si­fy her as “His­pan­ic.” This obvi­ous­ly over sim­pli­fies her back­ground, and thus, from my point of view makes the data and con­clu­sions drawn from it ques­tion­able. The US Cen­sus tracks 63 com­bi­na­tions of racial and eth­nic cat­e­gories, and allows peo­ple to select as many as apply to them.

Accord­ing to the arti­cle, things have changed dra­mat­i­cal­ly to the extent that cur­rent­ly 1 in 7 mar­riages in the US are mul­tira­cial or mul­ti­eth­nic. The cur­rent wave of immi­gra­tion, as well as falling bar­ri­ers between eth­nic and racial groups, as well as dimin­ish­ing of stig­mas regard­ing mul­tira­cial and mul­ti­eth­nic fam­i­lies.

If you click on the image to the Multiracial and Multiethnic Categorizationright, you will see some of the dif­fer­ent ways one indi­vid­ual is cat­e­go­rized. (In addi­tion to gov­ern­ment cat­e­gories, the Times gives us an idea of what Ms. López-Mullins, her father, and one of her friends think about her back­ground.)

This is of crit­i­cal impor­tance to geneal­o­gists. In the future, some­one min­ing gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments of their ances­tors will be enabled, if the infor­ma­tion is accu­rate and detailed enough, to get new clues. If the infor­ma­tion is watered down or con­fus­ing, with mul­ti­ple stan­dards with­in Fed­er­al agen­cies, not to men­tion across the states, the work of the future geneal­o­gist will be more dif­fi­cult.

The inter­ac­tive fea­ture I men­tioned allows you to share a small fam­i­ly tree along with the eth­nic and racial back­grounds that make it up, with pic­tures, if you have some handy. You may also add an audio file of up to 10 MB of audio explain­ing the tree.

Cyber Security

How to Protect Yourself in a Connected World

As geneal­o­gists, we are often online — whether using scanned records from a sub­scrip­tion site, search­ing through tran­scrip­tions on Gen­Web, vol­un­teer­ing for a local soci­ety, or send­ing e‑mail to a recent­ly found cousin. Being online as much as we are, we assume some risks. While these risks are man­age­able, and do not exceed the val­ue of com­put­ing and Inter­net use for geneal­o­gists, it is impor­tant to assess your risk lev­el, and take steps to lim­it poten­tial attacks. Let me walk you through some of the things you should con­sid­er.

Create Secure Passwords

With all of the pass­words we need to cre­ate and remem­ber, it is tempt­ing to have a sin­gle, mem­o­rable pass­word for e‑mail, sub­scrip­tion sites, and finan­cial insti­tu­tions. Doing so puts you at risk. If your pass­word is mem­o­rable for you it can prob­a­bly be guessed by some­one else, or by a com­put­er pro­gram. And if you only have one pass­word, if some­one guess­es it, that per­son has access to any and all of your accounts. The best pass­word secu­ri­ty will include pass­words that can­not be guessed. They should not be a date, a name, or a com­mon­ly known word found in any dic­tio­nary. Com­put­er pro­grams exist that can try numer­ous pos­si­bil­i­ties to hack your pass­word. Instead, your pass­words should have a com­bi­na­tion of upper- and low­er-case char­ac­ters, numer­als, and sym­bols. There are web­sites that can pro­duce ran­dom, secure pass­words; for exam­ple, PC Tools offers one Of course, hav­ing dozens of pass­words, all of them difficult to remem­ber, presents its own prob­lems— human mem­o­ry has its lim­its.

There is the tried-and-true method of writ­ing things down, but you cer­tain­ly do not want to lose a note­book of your pass­words. Since you might not want to take your pass­word list out of the house, you will not be able to log in to your sub­scrip­tion research sites from Star­bucks. Anoth­er method, which I rec­om­mend, is stor­ing your pass­words in a pass­word man­ag­er, either online or offline. This may seem counter-intu­itive, but it works. Pro­grams such as Robo­Form and web­sites such as Last­Pass allow you to encrypt pass­words and then store them on your computer’s hard disk, or in the cloud.

Robo­Form runs on Win­dows and stores all the pass­word data on your hard dri­ve in one of a num­ber of encryp­tion for­mats. You can also pur­chase a ver­sion that runs on a USB key, so you can take it with you. Last­Pass stores your pass­words in an encrypt­ed form in the cloud, in oth­er words, poten­tial­ly on a num­ber of servers across the Inter­net. For added secu­ri­ty, you can get a USB key to pro­vide anoth­er lev­el of val­i­da­tion. Access to the pass­words requires that the key, which is spe­cial­ly configured for your account, be plugged into your com­put­er, and that you know the e‑mail address and pass­word of the account. If you lose the key, you can reset the account by a request on the web­site that you then must respond to from your pre­vi­ous­ly asso­ci­at­ed e‑mail account.

Avoid E‑mail Scams

Bulk e‑mail can be a very finan­cial­ly efficient way for peo­ple to steal data. Spam­mers can send out mil­lions of mes­sages for almost noth­ing, and if only a few peo­ple respond in ways they can exploit, their cam­paign has been finan­cial­ly suc­cess­ful. The main method of e‑mail scam these days has been called “phish­ing.” In a phish­ing attack, the scam­mer sends an e‑mail that pre­tends to be for a legit­i­mate pur­pose, request­ing that you log in to its site, send your pass­word by return e‑mail, or in some oth­er way to pro­vide the scam­mer with some of the cre­den­tials (user name/password com­bi­na­tions) that would allow access to one or more of your accounts or your pri­vate data. The e‑mail can look very official, but often has some tell tale signs: words are mis­spelled and URLs are slight­ly differ­ent, either in a way you can read­i­ly see or under­neath the HTML code, which you can observe by hov­er­ing your mouse
over them.

To pro­tect your­self, the best first step to have good spam filter­ing. G‑mail from Google includes some of the best spam filter­ing avail­able. G‑mail is also free and is easy to set up. Very rarely do I see a phish­ing attack in my G‑mail inbox; but the spam fold­er on G‑mail is full of phish­ing attacks. In addi­tion to e‑mail filter­ing, you can set up lists of e‑mail address­es and domains so as always to allow (white list) or dis­al­low (black list) mail from those sources. For exam­ple, if you want to make sure that mail from your cousin Sheila gets though, you would white list her e‑mail address. On the oth­er hand, if you had received mali­cious e‑mail from (not, you might black list any mail com­ing from the domain Many ser­vice providers pro­vide this ser­vice, build­ing a black list of known or sus­pect­ed sources of spam and mal­ware.

Once you have spam filter­ing, and even if you have a black list and white list set up, some phish­ing attacks will get through. To keep your data safe, use cau­tion when respond­ing to e‑mail. The e‑mail address the mail comes from might be oth­er than what appears in your e‑mail soft­ware. If you believe that your bank may actu­al­ly be con­tact­ing you via e‑mail, do not sim­ply click on the e‑mail link, hit the reply but­ton, or call a phone num­ber in the e‑mail. Con­tact the bank direct­ly, either by typ­ing its Web address in your brows­er your­self, send­ing e‑mail where you enter the address your­self, or by call­ing the bank with a phone num­ber you already have on file for them. If this was a legit­i­mate e‑mail from your bank, a copy of it will be in your online account, and it should also be avail­able to the bank’s cus­tomer ser­vice per­son­nel when you call.

Thwart Viruses and Malware

Mal­ware is soft­ware that is designed to do harm. This soft­ware can be embed­ded into soft­ware pro­grams or files, and can be hid­den in what look like harm­less web­sites. This is a risk whether you are on a Win­dows or a Mac com­put­er.

Over the years, Mac­in­tosh enthu­si­asts like me have boast­ed that its oper­at­ing sys­tem is immune to these kinds of attacks. Despite the fact that we can be annoy­ing, even PC devo­tees have to admit that the num­ber of mal­ware pro­grams direct­ly aimed at the Mac OS has remained low. There have been no major virus out­breaks on Mac OS X, but this may be on the verge of chang­ing. Even the Mac OS X has to use browsers to nav­i­gate the Web, and any soft­ware designed to request files from the Inter­net will have vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. At the CanSecWest dig­i­tal secu­ri­ty con­fer­ence in Van­cou­ver this Spring, com­put­er secu­ri­ty engi­neers demon­strat­ed the abil­i­ty to exploit Inter­net Explor­er on Win­dows, Fire­fox on the Mac­in­tosh, and Safari on the Mac­in­tosh and on iPhones. (Google Chrome was the only brows­er on which no one was able to demon­strate secu­ri­ty holes.) Anoth­er aspect of anti-virus con­sid­er­a­tions is that users who run Win­dows through Boot­Camp or a third-par­ty Win­dows vir­tu­al machine, have Mac­in­tosh­es that are vul­ner­a­ble to both Mac­in­tosh and PC virus­es.

What can you do about this? First of all, you should install virus pro­tec­tion soft­ware. On Win­dows, the best known pro­grams are McAfee VirusS­can and Nor­ton AntiVirus; on the Mac OS, choic­es include Nor­ton AntiVirus, McAfee VirusS­can, and Intego Virus­Bar­ri­er. Next, you should keep your oper­at­ing sys­tem and browsers up to date. Oper­at­ing sys­tem and brows­er devel­op­ers reg­u­lar­ly release patch­es (small fixes) to their soft­ware when they are able to thwart a known secu­ri­ty threat. If you set your pref­er­ences to allow down­load and instal­la­tion of these secu­ri­ty patch­es, you will be less vul­ner­a­ble to mal­ware than you would oth­er­wise be.

Geneal­o­gists pre­fer to focus their time on research and on eval­u­at­ing sources, but the abil­i­ty these days to do research depends on access to the Inter­net and to the files that have been scanned, down­loaded, and cre­at­ed. If you invest a min­i­mal amount of time in learn­ing how to address pass­word secu­ri­ty, phish­ing attacks, and mal­ware, you will like­ly avoid much more time-con­sum­ing and frus­trat­ing sit­u­a­tions in the future, where you might lose some of your genealog­i­cal data or have your com­put­er raid­ed.

This arti­cle, which orig­i­nal­ly appeared in a slight­ly dif­fer­ent form in the Nation­al Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety’s NGS Mag­a­zine, is repub­lished here by per­mis­sion.

Kindle Update, 3.1

Kindle 3 with 3.1 Software (New York Times Capture)

Ama­zon announced today an update for the lat­est gen­er­a­tion of the Kin­dle e‑book read­er, com­mon­ly called Kin­dle 3. Users can wait for their Kin­dle 3 or Kin­dle DX devices to auto­mat­i­cal­ly be updat­ed, or they can down­load the soft­ware and install it them­selves at:

Kin­dle Soft­ware Update Ver­sion 3.1 — Ear­ly Pre­view Release

Accord­ing to Ama­zon, the update pro­vides the fol­low­ing ben­e­fits:

  • Pub­lic Notes — In the inter­est of help­ing peo­ple become “social” about their read­ing, Ama­zon will allow peo­ple to share their notes and high­lights with oth­er read­ers. In addi­tion to pub­lic shar­ing, there will also be pri­vate shar­ing, allow­ing book clubs or stu­dents to share their notes only with spe­cif­ic peo­ple.
  • Real Page Num­bers — This has been request­ed from the begin­ning. In order to allow for what is called “re-flow­able” con­tent, Ama­zon, and most oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers of e‑readers, pro­vide loca­tions in an inter­nal scheme that does­n’t mean any­thing to users, and makes it dif­fi­cult for peo­ple using a Kin­dle to have close-text dis­cus­sions with oth­ers, say class­mates, read­ing the same book on paper. The Kin­dle page num­bers will be based on one spe­cif­ic print­ed edi­tion.
  • Before You Go — At the com­ple­tion of  a book, read­ers will be invit­ed to rate it or to com­ment in a more detailed way.
  • New News­pa­per and Mag­a­zine Lay­out — Designed to give users a quick­er overview of the con­tent, and eas­i­er nav­i­ga­tion to it.

These changes will be port­ed to oth­er Kin­dle soft­ware-based read­ers, such as Kin­dle for Mac and Kin­dle for Android. I could not get any of the books I have pur­chased before to dis­play pages, even after down­load­ing them again. The new for­mat for news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines is a big improve­ment.

Geneal­o­gists should know that the new­er ver­sions of the Kin­dle (the Kin­dle 3 and the Kin­dle DX) can read any PDF native­ly. I find it handy to bring along dozens of PDF books with me every­where I go, in a portable, quick start­ing, low pow­er device that can go weeks with­out a charge. I am also enjoy­ing Shel­by Foote’s The Civ­il War: A Nar­ra­tive as an audio book from Audi­ble (a sub­sidiary of Ama­zon), which I also have on my Kin­dle.

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Civil War Sesquicentennial Blogs

Geneal­o­gists need to be his­to­ri­ans. There is no way to under­stand a fam­i­ly his­to­ry out­side of the larg­er con­text of the his­to­ry the fam­i­ly lived through. Geneal­o­gists have a rare oppor­tu­ni­ty over the next few years to wit­ness the sesqui­cen­ten­ni­al (150th anniver­sary) of the Civ­il War. This will be com­mem­o­rat­ed with exhibits, books, web­sites, records releas­es, and re-enact­ments of bat­tles.

In com­mem­o­ra­tion of an impor­tant and painful peri­od in Amer­i­can his­to­ry, sev­er­al groups have set up blogs about the sesqui­cen­ten­ni­al of the Civ­il War:

Many states also have blogs or oth­er web­sites com­mem­o­rat­ing the events and detail­ing muse­um exhibits or online col­lec­tions. This is not intend­ed to be a com­pre­hen­sive list. For exam­ple, I have not includes sites that seems to be main­ly about a his­tor­i­cal com­mis­sion, but not about the Civ­il War his­to­ry itself.

Surname Saturday: Via

George A. Via
George A. Via, My 4th Great Grand­fa­ther

The Via sur­name is one of my more unique sur­names. Since I reg­u­lar­ly research Smith, Jones, John­son, Miller, Hill, and Gra­ham, it’s good to have the occa­sion­al rare sur­name. My Vias descend through Mica­jah Via, Sr. (cir­ca 1742 — cir­ca 1810) and Phillipi Bur­nett, and their son Jonathan Via, Sr. and his wife Cather­ine O’Buck (or O’Bock).

George Allen Via, the son of Jonathan Sr. and Cather­ine O’Buck Via, was my 4th great grand­fa­ther. He and his wife Mary Eliz­a­beth Lane (mar­ried 2 Dec 1839) had a dozen or so chil­dren (I’m still work­ing out that gen­er­a­tion). Two of their sons Thomas David Via and John Robert Via, served in the Con­fed­er­ate army. John was in Com­pa­ny A (2nd Com­pa­ny), 12th Batal­lion, Vir­ginia Light Artillery Reg­i­ment (along with 6 oth­er Vias).

Thomas (who is my 3rd great grand­fa­ther) first served in Com­pa­ny ‘I,’ 7th Reg­i­ment Vir­ginia Vol­un­teers (along with two oth­er Via), but after being cap­tured at Gettysburg,and impris­oned at Point Look­out Prison, he joined the 1st US Vol­un­teer Infantry, like­ly as a mat­ter of sur­vival. (This means he was a Gal­va­nized Yan­kee, which I will write more about in anoth­er post.)

Most of the Via’s that I have come across in the US descend from Amer Via, a Huguenot immi­grant to Vir­ginia in about 1680. Alter­nate spellings of Via include Vier/Viers, Viar/Viars and Viet.

A cou­ple of forums for the Via sur­name exist:

Here are some items I will be post­ing, as I get a chance, on this site. As I post them, I will come back to this page and link into them.

Mary E. Lane Via (1820–1893)
George A. Via (1814–1894)

Mag­a­zine and News­pa­per Arti­cles
Mica­jah Via, peti­ton on paper mon­ey, 1788
Bet­ty Via on her stu­dents as crit­ics, 1953
Dan O. Via, Sr., 50th anniver­sary, 1968
Daniel Via, 20th anniver­sary, 1974
Dan O. Via, Jr. play about Jesus, 1982
Mar­garet B. Via ordi­na­tion, 1982
Via fam­i­ly saved by their dog arti­cle 1, 1986
Via fam­i­ly saved by their dog arti­cle 2, 1986

Birth Records
Floyd Coun­ty, VA, 1853–1896
Franklin Coun­ty, VA, 1852–1870
Hanover Coun­ty, VA, 1853–1893

Land Records
Deed: James and Rosi­na Ingrum to Ander­son Via, 1848
Deed: James and Mary Via to David McAlexan­der, 1848
Deed: Robert and Eliz­a­beth Via to James Dod­son, 1849

Tax Records
Vias in the Albe­mar­le Coun­ty, Vir­ginia Land Tax Records, 1782–1813
Vias in the Albe­mar­le Coun­ty, Vir­ginia Land Tax Records, 1814–1825
Vias in the Floyd Coun­ty, Vir­ginia Land Tax Records, 1831–1850
Vias in the Hanover Coun­ty, Vir­ginia Land Tax Records, 1782–1857
Vias in the Nel­son Coun­ty Per­son­al Prop­er­ty Tax, 1809–1850

Mil­i­tary Records
Thomas David Via’s pen­sion papers (HTML | PDF)

Mar­riage Bonds & Cer­tifi­cates
Jonathan Via and Cather­ine O’Buck, 1801

Death Records
Augus­ta Coun­ty, VA, 1853–1896
Floyd Coun­ty, VA, 1853–1896
Flu­van­na Coun­ty, VA, 1853–1896
Franklin Coun­ty, VA, 1853–1896

Jonathan Via, Sr., 1858
Jonathan Via, Jr., 1888

Thomas D. and Sal­lie E. Via
Mary Via

Obit­u­ary of Sal­lie Thomas Via, 1911
Obit­u­ary of Thomas David Via, 1913
Obit­u­ary of William Mar­tin Via, 1937
Obit­u­ary of Willie Cather­ine Eliz­a­beth Via, 1937
Obit­u­ary of Bet­ty Via, 1993

Ged­coms and Oth­er Com­piled Research
Jor­dan Jones’s Ged­com of Vias
Jor­dan Jones’s Geneal­o­gy Data­base List of Vias

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Who Do You Think You Are, Episode 201

The sec­ond sea­son of the NBC series Who Do You Think You Are? pre­miered tonight, with an episode fea­tur­ing Vanes­sa Williams.

The ances­try of Ms. Williams was traced back to a great great grand­fa­ther (on her father’s side), David Car­ll. He was born a free black man, joined Co. I, 26th US Col­ored Infantry. For join­ing the infantry, he received $300 boun­ty mon­ey; five days lat­er, he bought land for $200 pro­vid­ing some secu­ri­ty for his fam­i­ly in Oys­ter Bay, New York. He served for the remain­der of the war, and helped enforce eman­ci­pa­tion after the war.

Anoth­er great great grand­fa­ther, William A. Fields, was born a slave in ante­bel­lum Ten­nessee. Not only did he live to see slav­ery abol­ished, but he was elect­ed to the state house of Ten­nessee, and died as a well hon­ored and trust­ed jus­tice-of-the-peace. While in the leg­is­la­ture, he intro­duced a bill for uni­ver­sal edu­ca­tion between the ages of 7 and 16. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it died in com­mit­tee.

The show had pow­er­ful emo­tions, as Ms. Williams iden­ti­fied ana­logues to her own expe­ri­ence in the lives of her ances­tors. An inter­est in edu­ca­tion has been a part of her fam­i­ly since the Civ­il War era.

The show moves more quick­ly this sea­son, with almost no recaps. The show is get­ting tighter, and tells a more com­pelling sto­ry. Less is sim­ply hand­ed to the celebri­ties, at least in view of the cam­era, so the show feels more imme­di­ate in this episode than it did in most of the episodes of the first sea­son.

In one of the teasers for future episodes, we hear Rosie O’Don­nell say: “It’s not going to be as easy as it looks on TV.” This should be carved into the lime­stone of the Nation­al Archives build­ing. The hours of research that went into the find­ings are not real­ly men­tioned. While I don’t think this should be dra­ma­tized or take much time, I will con­tin­ue to tell any­one who will lis­ten that the genealog­i­cal pro­fes­sion would ben­e­fit if the show had a sim­ple title card read­ing: “Research for this show includ­ed X hours of research by Y pro­fes­sion­al researchers in Z states.”

The show runs on NBC on Fri­days at 8 (7 Cen­tral). Check your local list­ings. The next episode fea­tures coun­try music start Tim McGraw. Sub­se­quent episodes will fea­ture Gwyneth Pal­trow, Rosie O’Donnell, Steve Busce­mi, Kim Cat­trall, Lionel Richie, and Ash­ley Judd.

You can watch the Vanes­sa Williams Episode, 201: “Mak­ing His­to­ry” on

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RootsTech 2011

RootsTech LogoAre you attend­ing Root­sTech in Salt Lake City next week?

Root­sTech is a new fam­i­ly his­to­ry and tech­nol­o­gy con­fer­ence, which aims to unite tech­nol­o­gists and tech­nol­o­gy users. Spon­sors of the con­fer­ence include the usu­al sus­pects (FGS, NEHGS, NGS (for which I am a board mem­ber), Bright­sol­id,, and Ances­try), but also tech­nol­o­gy lead­ers such as Microsoft, Dell, Nov­ell, Ora­cle, and Sprint.

There will be booths and pre­sen­ta­tions, but there are top-notch key note speak­ers on the billing, includ­ing

  • Shane Robi­son, Exec­u­tive VP and Chief Strat­e­gy and Tech­nol­o­gy Offi­cer, Hewlett-Packard
  • Brew­ster Kahle, Founder of WAIS and the Inter­net Archive
  • Curt B. Witch­er, His­tor­i­cal Geneal­o­gy Dept. Man­ag­er, Allen Coun­ty Pub­lic Library
  • Jay Verkler, CEO, Fam­il­y­Search

The con­fer­ence starts on Thurs­day 10 Feb­ru­ary and runs through Sat­ur­day 12 Feb­ru­ary. I will be there rep­re­sent­ing the NGS and par­tic­i­pat­ing in a dis­cus­sion on Sat­ur­day morn­ing on genealog­i­cal data mod­els. Check out the full list of events.

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Wordless Wednesday: Kjerstin Johnson (1834–1927)

This is my great great grand­moth­er, Kjer­stin John­son, who was born in Swe­den, immi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca at the age of 34, had 12 chil­dren (11 sur­viv­ing to adult­hood), and died at the age of 92.

You can read more about her and her fam­i­ly in “His­to­ry of Swan John­son Fam­i­ly, Nance Coun­ty, Nebras­ka, Jan­u­ary 1936,” by her eldest grand­child, Lena John­son Schlicte­meier, also pic­tured here with her moth­er and grand­moth­er.

[slickr-flickr tag=“Kjerstin John­son” type=“gallery”]

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Backing Up Your Social Media


Of course, we are all told to eat our veg­eta­bles, do our exer­cise, and back­up our com­put­ers.

But I’m here today to tell you to back­up your social media pres­ence. If you are like me, you have pic­tures of fam­i­ly on Face­book, Flickr, and else­where, so have e‑mail in G‑mail, you tweet, and maybe you have a blog. How can you ensure that you nev­er lose a major com­po­nent of your life in the cloud and in social media?

Let me tell you a sto­ry. Mir­co Wil­helm, a tech­nol­o­gist and user of Flickr, with approx­i­mate­ly 5 years of images (5,000) up in Flickr in a paid Flick­r­Pro account, com­plained about inap­pro­pri­ate re-use of his pho­tos. Instead of dis­abling the account in ques­tion, the sup­port engi­neer delet­ed Mir­co’s acount, with all of the images and meta­da­ta, nev­er to be recov­ered. Mir­co writes about this in his [warn­ing f‑bomb in the arti­cle title and URL] blog,  and the sto­ry has also been picked up in the LA Times blog (“Flickr fum­ble? 4,000 pho­tos delet­ed, nev­er to be return, user says”). It seems that he has the images in a back­up of some sort, but he does not have the meta­da­ta, and he also has cre­at­ed numer­ous links to these images from oth­er places, and none of these will work with­out a sub­stan­tial invest­ment of time on his part.

None of us can know how reli­able any par­tic­u­lar ser­vice will be in our par­tic­u­lar case. In the days of Ma Bell, there was a goal of ser­vice: five nines, or 99.999% planned uptime. That meant, when the phone com­pa­ny did not have a planned out­age for ser­vice or upgrade, their sys­tem would be up 99.999% of the time. It sounds great, but even this very demand­ing goal did­n’t mean the sys­tem was per­fect. It meant that the GOAL was to be down no more than 5 min­utes a year.

I can­not say it any more plain­ly than this: Sys­tems fail.

So, you want a back­up, not only for your per­son­al com­put­er, but also for your data in the cloud, some of which has only seen your com­put­er in the con­text of your brows­er. has impressed me as a very ver­sa­tile cloud back­up ser­vice. It can back­up:

  • Gmail
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sites
  • Google Cal­en­dar
  • Google Con­tacts
  • Picasa
  • Twit­ter
  • Face­book
  • Flickr
  • Blog­ger
  • Zoho

A free account gets you 2 GB of stor­age is Ama­zon’s S3, week­ly back­ups of up to 5 accounts. For $4.99 a month, you can back­up 25 accounts, total­ing up to 20 GB, on a night­ly basis. It allows for a fair amount of peace of mind.

Would this have helped Mir­co Wil­helm? No, not real­ly. He would have had his Flickr images, and some of his meta­da­ta, but he would still have a lot of re-assem­bly ahead. But with­out this kind of ser­vice, you could lose source con­tent, espe­cial­ly on sites like Face­book, where a friend might take down a pho­to you still want­ed to see.

(I note that also picked up the Wil­helm sto­ry. In their blog post they claim that one third of data loss is due to human error.)

Categories Uncategorized iOS Apps

1920 Cen­sus in the App on an iPad announced apps for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices ( blog link).

The free app allows mem­bers to access fam­i­ly trees they have cre­at­ed or that have been cre­at­ed by their friends, and get access to the doc­u­ments they have attached to these trees while they not at a com­put­er, but have an Apple iOS device handy. ( says they are inves­ti­gat­ing cre­at­ing an Android oper­at­ing sys­tem ver­sion of the App.)

This announce­ment involves Ances­try improv­ing it’s iPhone App, and also releas­ing an iPad-spe­cif­ic app designed specif­i­cal­ly for use with the larg­er for­mat of the iPad.

The blog entry says:

“Today, we announced the avail­abil­i­ty of an enhanced ver­sion of our iPhone app, Ances­try, that now has uni­ver­sal sup­port for the iPad and offers sev­er­al new fea­tures:

  • An inter­ac­tive fam­i­ly tree view­er to visu­al­ize rela­tion­ships in your fam­i­ly his­to­ry
  • Access to fam­i­ly trees that were shared with you
  • Abil­i­ty to view attached his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments and source cita­tions attached via
  • An improved user expe­ri­ence
  • Avail­able on the iPad”

On the iPad, makes the point that this will be a pow­er­ful shar­ing tool for geneal­o­gists to show one anoth­er and their fam­i­lies what they have found.

While I do not have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad, and haven’t felt a real desire to get one until now, being hap­py with my HTC Evo Android phone, my Mac lap­tops, and my Kin­dle, this looks quite inter­est­ing.

With’s acqui­si­tions last year of Foot­note, one won­ders if the inter­ac­tiv­i­ty avail­able on that site will seed cre­ativ­i­ty around these mobile apps, allow­ing users to anno­tate images for them­selves and oth­ers from the App, and upload this infor­ma­tion to the web.

The app becomes real­ly com­pelling if I can make “notes” about the genealog­i­cal images, say that have been incor­rect­ly indexed, and then, the next time I am online, upload those notes for oth­ers. Or, if I can take quick snap­shots (iPad 2 is rumored to have a cam­era), then upload these quick­ly to Flickr, Ances­try, and oth­er accounts with default pri­va­cy set­tings. As a one-way app, Ances­try looks cool; as a portable col­lab­o­rat­ing and crowd sourc­ing tool, it would be an almost essen­tial addi­tion to any geneal­o­gist’s tech­no­log­i­cal toolk­it.