Migrations of the Gregg and Johnson Families

View Migra­tions of the Gregg and John­son Fam­i­ly in a larg­er map

I am plot­ting the migra­tion path of three gen­er­a­tions of my fam­i­ly on the attached Google map. This map will help me visu­al­ize the migra­tions. (I have allowed Google to use cur­rent road data, so the rout­ing is based on today’s roads, and not the rivers, canals, rail­roads, and wag­on roads of the past.)

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A Marriage Certificate from 1924 Leads to a Birth Record from 1864

Baptismal Record of Alvin Leslie Hill, 1864A while back, I cre­at­ed a Vital Records Check­list to cat­a­log all the obvi­ous records I had, and the ones I need­ed, to flesh out the most rudi­men­ta­ry data, the births, mar­riages, and deaths of my ances­tors.

This led to my send­ing out a request to the Clerk of the Val­ley Coun­ty, Nebras­ka Court (http://www.co.valley.ne.us/clerk.html) has sent my the mar­riage cer­tifi­cate for my grand­par­ents, Helen Kjer­s­tine JOHNSON and Ernest Melvin HILL.

The doc­u­ment con­firms the rela­tion­ship of Ernest Melvin HILL with Mary Jane SCOTT (his moth­er) and Alvin Leslie HILL (his father), and out­side of cen­sus records, is the ear­li­est doc­u­ment I have found that does this. (My grand­fa­ther was born in 1895, which was pri­or to birth reg­is­tra­tion in Nebras­ka, and he died in 1933, before Social Secu­ri­ty Reg­is­tra­tion required folks to get delayed birth cer­tifi­cates.

Wit­ness­es at the wed­ding includ­ed Helen’s mater­nal uncle, “W. B. Gregg” (William Blake­way GREGG) and Ernest’s broth­er Alfred L. HILL.

It’s curi­ous to me if there was a rea­son that none of the three liv­ing par­ents of the cou­ple (Nels JOHNSON, father of Helen, and Mary Jane and Alvin) were list­ed as wit­ness­es. Of course, the form only asks for two wit­ness­es. And these were an old­er cou­ple (Helen was 30 and Ernest 29) at their first mar­riage, but one won­ders.

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Miltary Service Checklist

31st Bal­loon Com­pa­ny Base­ball Team, Ft. Knox, KY

It’s help­ful to get a quick look at what mil­i­tary ser­vice records can or do exist for your ances­tors, as these records can pro­vide a wealth of infor­ma­tion.

While I intend to take this list of ances­tors back to the French-and-Indi­an Wars, tonight, I will just go back to the first World War.

My father served in the US Navy dur­ing World War II, but nev­er left the con­ti­nen­tal U.S. He spent most of his time in NAD Hast­ings, Nebras­ka and NAS Nor­folk, Vir­ginia. There was also a stint in the brig.

His father, Lawrence Lake Jones, fought over­seas in World War I, and served in the occu­pa­tion of Ger­many, or at least that is what the lore says. This is sup­port­ed by what appears on his mil­i­tary-issued grave­stone, as it lists him as hav­ing served in the 26th Infantry, which fought in France and occu­pied Ger­many.

Ernest Melvin Hill, my mater­nal grand­fa­ther, was in the 31st Bal­loon Com­pa­ny, Avi­a­tion Sec­tion, U. S. Sig­nal Corps, sta­tioned at Fort Hen­ry Knox, Ken­tucky. He was a chauf­feur 1st class and a mechan­ic.

I real­ized by look­ing at these folks that I had not pulled Ernie Hill’s mil­i­tary ser­vice record, which is prob­a­bly avail­able. I also know that some­times a record is recov­ered from the freeze-dried records of the St. Louis per­son­nel office. So I should ask about my grand­fa­ther Lawrence Lake Jones’s records … just in case.

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IGHR (Samford) — Day 5 — Inheritance, Maps, and The Biography of Job

The Biog­ra­phy of Job

In the Vir­ginia class today, Bar­bara Vines Lit­tle took us through a cou­ple of exam­ples where small nuances in the law of inher­i­tance could help us sort through pos­si­ble rela­tion­ships in land records.

She also walked us through a vast array of map resources for Vir­ginia. I will write a sep­a­rate arti­cle about those.

After the class, I head­ed to the Sam­ford Library Spe­cial Col­lec­tions to see what else I could find out about Job, the African-Amer­i­can preach­er.

I looked in the first box of mate­ri­als about the his­to­ry of the Canaan Bap­tist Church by Simon J. Smith. It was not in this box, though the acces­sion records said that it would be. Thank­ful­ly, Eliz­a­beth Wells, the Spe­cial Col­lec­tions Librar­i­an, was able to locate the “Biog­ra­phy of Job” men­tioned in the acces­sion book.

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IGHR (Samford) — Day 4 — Migration, Platting, & Blacks in Antebellum Churches

The fourth, and penul­ti­mate, day at Sam­ford is always bit­ter­sweet. It’s the last full day, and is capped with the ban­quet.

In the Vir­ginia class, Bar­bara Vines Lit­tle talked about land tax records and migra­tion trails and set­tle­ment clus­ters. We also had a mini-course on land plat­ting and Deed Map­per from Vic Dunn. The last lec­ture of the day was on “Find­ing the Answers in Vir­gini­a’s Neigh­bors Records,” dri­ving home a point that has been made con­sis­tent­ly this week: The record may be a place you don’t expect it to be. The bride and groom in Vir­ginia may go to Mary­land to get mar­ried, per­haps because the laws make it eas­i­er to accom­plish there at that time, or per­haps because they are Catholic, and there are so few Catholic parish­es in Vir­ginia.

After the class I went to the Sam­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Library, Spe­cial Col­lec­tions room and pulled a fold­er from the Bap­tist records.

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IGHR (Samford) — Day 3 — O! the Fatal Stamp!

O! the fatal Stamp

Today’s IGHR course in Vir­ginia geneal­o­gy got to the heart of the mat­ter: West­ward migra­tion and Vir­ginia (and Vir­gini­ans) in the Rev­o­lu­tion, the War of 1812, and the Civ­il War.

It felt like we were cram­ming a week’s worth of instruc­tion into each 75-minute seg­ment. And, indeed, there are a lot of events and a lot of records to cov­er.

A cou­ple of stand­outs:

I had known that George Wash­ing­ton start­ed the French and Indi­an Wars by allow­ing his troops to kill a French diplo­mat, then admit­ting cul­pa­bil­i­ty for the event in a French doc­u­ment he signed even though he could not read French.

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IGHR (Samford) — Day 2

In the “Records of Oth­er Researchers” por­tion of the Vir­ginia class at Sam­ford today, we took a look at a vol­ume enti­tled The Pre­ston and Vir­ginia Papers of the Drap­er Col­lec­tion of Man­u­scripts. (Madi­son: State His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety of Wis­con­sin, 1915). This vol­ume cat­a­logs a sub­set of col­lec­tions of the Drap­er Man­u­scripts, papers gath­ered by Lyman Drap­er for the Wis­con­sin His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety. These papers doc­u­ment the “his­to­ry of the trans-Alleghe­ny West from the fron­tier con­flicts of the 1740s to the War of 1812.”

As you may have guessed, the Pre­ston and Vir­ginia Papers relate to Vir­ginia. The book out­lines the col­lec­tion, with names of per­sons and sum­maries of the mate­ri­als con­tained and the events described in them.

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IGHR (Samford) — Day 1

It’s a tru­ism of geneal­o­gy that the laws deter­mine what records might be avail­able. One also hears an echo of Hal Hol­brook in All the Pres­i­den­t’s Men: “Fol­low the mon­ey!” And, as Carl von Clause­witz said, war is the con­tin­u­a­tion of pol­i­tics by oth­er means.

Put these togeth­er, and you see that aside from vital records, most records are gen­er­at­ed by laws, mon­ey, and mil­i­taries. In my week at Sam­ford, I am study­ing the effect of land and wars on the records of Vir­ginia. (Last year, we cov­ered the impact of law more gen­er­al­ly.)

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IGHR (Samford) 2010 — Registration Day

We arrived in Birm­ing­ham last night at about 8, and got our room at the Home­wood La Quin­ta. It’s an excel­lent hotel, and the staff is help­ful, and even inter­est­ed in my step­son’s trum­pet play­ing, but it would be nice to have wi-fi inter­net in the rooms, and not just in the lob­by.

I walked through the 93 degrees and the humid­i­ty to the lob­by of the Best West­ern to ride one of the free shut­tles over to Sam­ford Uni­ver­si­ty, as my wife and step­son had head­ed to Huntsville. (He’s attend­ing Space Camp while I attend “Geneal­o­gy Camp.” It’s becom­ing a fam­i­ly tra­di­tion.)

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The National Archives at Atlanta

Nation­al Archives South­east Region­al Branch, Mor­row, Geor­gia (Pho­to cour­tesy NARA web­site, under fair use)

On my way South and West to attend the Insti­tute of Genealog­i­cal and His­tor­i­cal Research, I took time out to stop into the Nation­al Archives  South­east Region­al Branch in Mor­row, Geor­gia (near Atlanta). This branch serves the states of Alaba­ma, Flori­da, Geor­gia, Ken­tucky, Mis­sis­sip­pi, North Car­oli­na, South Car­oli­na, and Ten­nessee and pro­vides doc­u­men­tary records (tex­tu­al records, maps, pho­tographs, and archi­tec­tur­al draw­ings) relat­ing to the con­duct of nation­al gov­ern­ment oper­a­tions in those states. It also has exten­sive micro­film col­lec­tions

I want­ed to take a look at the immi­gra­tion and nat­u­ral­iza­tion records avail­able at the South­east­ern Branch of the Archives.

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