
Evernote Templates

Ever­note allows you to cre­ate and share tem­plates. Their cur­rent imple­men­ta­tion of this is bet­ter than it was, but still has chal­lenges. The biggest issue is that the for­mal tem­plate fea­ture is only avail­able for peo­ple using a paid account. Read fur­ther to learn how to use the offi­cial and sup­port­ed tem­plate fea­ture, and also a workaround I have used for years.

I use tem­plates to quick­ly cre­ate source cita­tions to accom­pa­ny the records I found. For many kinds of doc­u­ments, I have devel­oped col­or-cod­ed tem­plates for source cita­tion, allow­ing me to quick­ly know what I should include when cit­ing record, based on my inter­pre­ta­tion of Evi­dence Explained by Eliz­a­beth Shown Mills.

  • To use a tem­plate with the paid ver­sion of Ever­note, cre­ate a note you want to use as a tem­plate, then click the “More actions …” menu (the three dots to the right of the share but­ton at the top right), then select “Save as tem­plate…” Now that you have your tem­plate, you can cre­ate a new note, then click “… Open Gallery” and select the tem­plate that is rel­e­vant; it will auto­mat­i­cal­ly pop­u­late your note.
  • To use a tem­plate with the free ver­sion of Ever­note, cre­ate a note you want to use as a tem­plate. Put that tem­plate note in a note­book called “Tem­plates.” When you want to use your tem­plate, open it, select the “More actions …” menu (the three dots to the right of the share but­ton at the top right), then select “Copy to…” Then select the note­book where you want to cre­ate your note, and the con­tent and a new note will be cre­at­ed in the select­ed note­book with all of the con­tent of your tem­plate.

Sample Evernote Citation Templates