iPad 2 Run Down

Geneal­o­gy Apps for the iPad

Apple intro­duced the iPad 2 yes­ter­day.

This is about 9 months since the first iPad was released. The device has sold 15 mil­lion units. Accord­ing to some ana­lysts, this makes it the fastest sell­ing con­sumer tech­nol­o­gy prod­uct ever.

I have to admit that I did not think the iPad would catch on. It seemed a lit­tle heavy in the hand, and was rumored to run hot. I fig­ured that this prod­uct was over priced, at $499 for an 8GB WiFi mod­el and $829 for a 64GB WiFi / 3G mod­el. While the usabil­i­ty fea­tures, such as “instant on,” would make it easy to use it was real­ly just, as one com­men­ta­tor said, “An iPhone for Hagar the Hor­ri­ble.” It seems a device for con­tent con­sump­tion, not con­tent cre­ation. I’m also sim­ply a con­trar­i­an, and nev­er both­ered to get an iPhone. I have an Android, and pri­or to that had smart­phones from Palm and Hand­spring since, oh, about 2001.…

In the last nine months, tens of thou­sands of apps were deliv­ered. $2 bil­lion dol­lars has been paid out to the soft­ware devel­op­ers of those apps. While many of the apps are con­tent cre­ation apps, most are con­tent con­sump­tion apps. But of course, we do an awful lot of that on the web any­way.

The new iPad sports both front- and rear-fac­ing cam­eras, with the rear cam­era cap­tur­ing 720p video. It’s 1/3 lighter, 2x as fast, and with 9x the video pro­cess­ing pow­er. I look at those specs, and, see­ing a lighter unit, with this many apps, and this kind of per­for­mance, and I myself am tempt­ed. Not only could this be a light­weight way to trav­el, it looks like a lot of fun, and the apps keep com­ing.…

The iPad 2 is offi­cial­ly avail­able next Fri­day, 11 March 2011, at Apple Stores and on the web at Apple.com. The new iPad sup­ports Ver­i­zon as well as AT&T 3G net­works.

Here’s a com­par­i­son of the specs, with specs that are either iPad 1 spe­cif­ic or iPad 1‑only (as found on the Way­back Machine) with iPad 2 specs high­light­ed.

9.56 inch­es (242.8 mm)
9.50 inch­es (241.2 mm)
7.47 inch­es (189.7 mm)
7.31 inch­es (185.7 mm)
0.5 inch (13.4 mm)
0.34 inch (8.8 mm)
1.5 pounds (0.68 kg) Wi-Fi mod­el
1.33 pounds (601 g)
1.6 pounds (0.73 kg) Wi-Fi + 3G mod­el
1.35 pounds (607 g)
9.7‑inch (diag­o­nal) LED-back­lit glossy widescreen Mul­ti-Touch dis­play with IPS tech­nol­o­gy
1024-by-768-pix­el res­o­lu­tion at 132 pix­els per inch (ppi)
Fin­ger­print-resis­tant oleo­pho­bic coat­ing
Sup­port for dis­play of mul­ti­ple lan­guages and char­ac­ters simul­ta­ne­ous­ly
16GB, 32GB, or 64GB flash dri­ve
1GHz Apple A4 cus­tom-designed, high-per­for­mance, low-pow­er sys­tem-on-a-chip
1GHz dual-core Apple A5 cus­tom-designed, high-per­for­mance, low-pow­er sys­tem-on-a-chip
Three-axis gyro
Ambi­ent light sen­sor
Audio play­back
Fre­quen­cy response: 20Hz to 20,000Hz
Audio for­mats sup­port­ed: HE-AAC (V1), AAC (16 [iPad 2: 8] to 320 Kbps), Pro­tect­ed AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audi­ble (for­mats 2, 3, and 4, [iPad 2: Audi­ble Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+] Apple Loss­less, AIFF, and WAV
User-con­fig­urable max­i­mum vol­ume lim­it
Dol­by Dig­i­tal 5.1 sur­round sound pass-through with Apple Dig­i­tal AV Adapter (sold sep­a­rate­ly)
Cam­eras, Pho­tos, and Video Record­ing
Back cam­era: Video record­ing, HD (720p) up to 30 frames per sec­ond with audio; still cam­era with 5x dig­i­tal zoom
Front cam­era: Video record­ing, VGA up to 30 frames per sec­ond with audio; VGA-qual­i­ty still cam­era
Tap to con­trol expo­sure for video or stills
Pho­to and video geo­t­ag­ging over Wi-Fi
TV and video
Sup­port for 1024 by 768 pix­els with Dock Con­nec­tor to VGA Adapter; 576p and 480p with Apple Com­po­nent AV Cable; 576i and 480i with Apple Com­pos­ite AV Cable
H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per sec­ond, Main Pro­file lev­el 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file for­mats; MPEG‑4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pix­els, 30 frames per sec­ond, Sim­ple Pro­file with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file for­mats; Motion JPEG (M‑JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pix­els, 30 frames per sec­ond, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file for­mat
Video mir­ror­ing and video out sup­port: Up to 1080p with Apple Dig­i­tal AV Adapter or Apple VGA Adapter (cables sold sep­a­rate­ly)
Video out sup­port at 576p and 480p with Apple Com­po­nent AV Cable; 576i and 480i with Apple Com­pos­ite AV Cable
Video for­mats sup­port­ed: H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per sec­ond, Main Pro­file lev­el 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file for­mats; MPEG‑4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pix­els, 30 frames per sec­ond, Sim­ple Pro­file with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per chan­nel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file for­mats; Motion JPEG (M‑JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pix­els, 30 frames per sec­ond, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file for­mat
Bat­tery and pow­er
Built-in 25-watt-hour recharge­able lithi­um-poly­mer bat­tery
Up to 10 hours of surf­ing the web on Wi-Fi, watch­ing video, or lis­ten­ing to music
Up to 9 hours of surf­ing the web using 3G data net­work
Charg­ing via pow­er adapter or USB to com­put­er sys­tem