Monday Genealogy News Roundup

It has been quite a week for geneal­o­gy-relat­ed news sto­ries.

  • 6 August 2010
    Ances­try Acquires Pro­G­e­neal­o­gists, Inc.Mar­ket­ Press Release
    Ances­try, the world’s largest geneal­o­gy firm, has acquired Pro­G­e­neal­o­gists, a con­sor­tium of pro­fes­sion­al genealog­i­cal researchers. The two firms worked togeth­er on the recent tele­vi­sion series “Who Do You Think You Are?” This acqui­si­tion will allow Ances­try to move more deeply into genealog­i­cal research serves and broad­en their suite of offer­ings, with their web­sites, soft­ware, and mag­a­zine pub­lish­ing.
  • 8 August 2010
    The Gainesville Sun
    notes that geneal­o­gy has been increas­ing in inter­est, and that Inter­net resources make some genealog­i­cal research eas­i­er: “Some 87 per­cent of all Amer­i­cans have an inter­est in their fam­i­ly his­to­ry, finds a Har­ris Inter­ac­tive sur­vey com­mis­sioned not long ago by — which bills itself as the world’s largest fam­i­ly-his­to­ry resource.”
  • 8 August 2010
    The Knoxville News Sen­tinel has two arti­cles on geneal­o­gy today. The first is about the up-com­ing FGS con­fer­ence in Knoxville, TN (18–21 August):
  • 8 August 2010
    The Sun­day Express of the UK notes that the “Who Do You Think You Are?” series in the UK has sparked inter­est in geneal­o­gy in that coun­try.