
Life­hack­er, a web­site devot­ed to sim­pli­fy­ing work aligned with the “Get­ting Things Done” method­ol­o­gy of author David Allen, points to a time man­age­ment tool called TimeEd­i­tion. I have tried the appli­ca­tion out, and it’s as they describe it: Amaz­ing­ly sim­ple to use, and with a handy inte­gra­tion with the Google Cal­en­dar allow­ing you to see your sta­tus from any brows­er.

It will no doubt be a very handy tool for track­ing my pro­fes­sion­al geneal­o­gy projects. I could also see some ama­teurs, who want to see where they’re spend­ing their time, using this tool on a more tem­po­rary or peri­od­ic basis.

Their full arti­cle is on the Life­hack­er web­site. TimeEd­i­tion is avail­able for the Mac OS and Win­dows.