Thomas MacEntee did a BlogTalkRadio interview with Jan Alpert, NGS 2011 Conference Chair and Immediate Past President of NGS and Julie Miller, CG, NGS 2012 Conference Chair and Vice President of the NGS. This was a rare behind-the-scenes interview with two leaders who have organized and led conferences.
It’s a rare look behind the scenes at what goes into choosing a conference location, how patronizing the conference hotel and luncheon and banquet events keeps overall prices low, and your society fiscally healthy.
This is the fourth installment of the weekly FGS MySociety talk radio show. It’s a great program. You should listen. I know that I’m adding it to iTunes to listen in, even when I cannot make it “live.”
Here are some links:
- The FGS page on FGS Radio —
- The BlogTalkRadio page on the MySociety show —
- FGS MySociety Podcast on iTunes —