Ida Johnson

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IDA JOHNSON, fifth in the line of chil­dren of Swan and Kjer­stin John­son, was born Octo­ber 20, 1865, at Wiby, Swe­den. Fol­low­ing the fam­i­ly in its immi­gra­tions and jour­neys west­ward, she lived at Chica­go, Illi­nois, Bement, Illi­nois, and at the farm home near Genoa, Nebras­ka, where she grew to wom­an­hood. She had a hap­py, sun­ny dis­po­si­tion, and the ear­ly years in the midst of their large fam­i­ly were joy­ous with song, play and work.

On Decem­ber 27, 1891, she was unit­ed in mar­riage with John W. John­son, of Arling­ton, Nebras­ka. To them were born five chil­dren: Mabel Eve­lyn, now teach­ing in the Shore­wood School at Mil­wau­kee, Wis­con­sin; Ear­le Edward, lead­ing Den­tist of Rut­land, Ver­mont; Wal­ter John­son, oper­at­ing a store in Lin­coln, Nebras­ka; Gladys Marie who is now Mrs. Albert M. Hin­man, of New­man Grove, Nebras­ka, and Nor­man Floyd, asso­ci­at­ed with Ear­le E. as Den­tist in Rut­land, Ver­mont.

Ear­le E. unit­ed in mar­riage with Kather­ine Kins­man, of Rut­land, Ver­mont. They have three chil­dren: Lor­raine, Mar­i­lyn and Car­olyn.

Wal­ter mar­ried Gladys Thomp­son, of Lin­coln, Nebras­ka, and they have an adopt­ed daugh­ter, Patri­cia Ann.

Gladys, with Albert M. Hin­man, has two chil­dren — Arthur Lee, and John Stu­art.

Nor­man Floyd unit­ed in mar­riage with Kather­ine King, of Lin­coln, Nebras­ka. They have three chil­dren — Ray­mond Ear­le, Lyman Wal­ter, and Car­lene King John­son.

Ida — Mrs. John W. John­son — passed away May 5, 1903, in Genoa, Nebras­ka, and was laid to rest in the Val­ley View Ceme­tery at Genoa.

Ida was a sweet singer. Almost every evening the fam­i­ly gath­ered around the organ or melodeon which Ida played, and they sang hymns. “The Sweet Bye and Bye” was Ida’s favorite.

1 comment

  1. Hi Jor­dan,
    I am a grand­daugh­ter of Wal­ter John­son, son of of Ida John­son. ida’s youngest son, Nor­man, had a daugh­ter, Car­lene King John­son (in this his­to­ry). She was Miss USA 1955.

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