Eric Johnson

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ERIC JOHNSON, sixth in the line of chil­dren of Swan and Kjer­stin John­son, was born in Wiby, Swe­den, Jan­u­ary 24, 1868. The fol­low­ing May the fam­i­ly immi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca where they locat­ed at Chica­go, liv­ing there two years. They moved to Bement, Illi­nois, tar­ry­ing there for eight years, and then moved to Nebras­ka, locat­ing on a farm near Genoa, in Plat­te Coun­ty, for one and one-half years, lat­er mov­ing to their own farm west of Genoa.

Here Eric grew to man­hood, lat­er enter­ing the gen­er­al mer­chan­dise busi­ness in Genoa, Nebras­ka, where short­ly after his elder broth­er, Peter, joined him in the estab­lish­ing of The John­son Broth­ers gen­er­al store which he oper­at­ed for thir­ty years.

On Jan­u­ary 1, 1908, he unit­ed in mar­riage with Dora M. John­son, of Genoa, Nebras­ka. To them were born three chil­dren — two daugh­ters, Frances and Car­ol, and one son, Richard Eric.

In June, 1928, they moved to Eugene, Ore­gon, where he engaged in the gro­cery busi­ness until his death which came on Sep­tem­ber 8, 1930. He is buried in a new ceme­tery in Eugene, Ore­gon.

Eric was a true Chris­t­ian, an indul­gent father, a good cit­i­zen, and was loved by all who knew him.

Frances mar­ried Carl Knowles. They have Car­ol Ann (by a for­mer mar­riage), Kather­ine, and a son — Charles, I believe — about 5 years old. They live at Eugene, Ore­gon, now where Carl is employed. Frances has been a devot­ed mem­ber of the Order of East­ern Star.

Car­ol is Mrs. Sam Hutch­ings, and resides at 3717 Pio­neer Avenue, Cheyenne, Wyoming. She had two adopt­ed chil­dren David and Jane. Her hus­band, Sam, is very suc­cess­ful archi­tect: and they have a fine home there.

Richard Eric lives in Eugene, is con­nect­ed with the John­son Fur­ni­ture Com­pa­ny of which Edwin is the pro­pri­etor. He is also mar­ried and has a fam­i­ly.

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