RootsTech 2011: Keynote Addresses

The keynote address­es for the Root­sTech 2011 con­fer­ence are now avail­able for view­ing on the Root­sTech site: These videos include: Jay Verkler — CEO of Fam­il­y­Search Inter­na­tion­al — Open­ing Keynote “Warm-Down” Address (34:18) Bar­ry Ewell — “Dig­i­tal­ly Pre­serv­ing Your Fam­i­ly Her­itage.” This one seems a lit­tle over-the-top, and not real­ly focused. Mr. Ewell knows… Con­tin­ue read­ing Root­sTech 2011: Keynote Address­es


G‑Mail Smart Labels

I don’t know about you, but I am drown­ing in e‑mail. Most of my non-day job e‑mail goes into a cou­ple of Google G‑mail accounts. This is main­ly because G‑mail has so many fea­tures to help me sort, find, and respond to e‑mail. First off, I get almost zero spam, because Google’s spam fil­ters use… Con­tin­ue read­ing G‑Mail Smart Labels


My Grandmother’s Divorce

I work­ing to declut­ter my home and put valu­able and rare genealog­i­cal doc­u­ments in order. In this process, I have been going through some, until now, neglect­ed doc­u­ments that were passed down to me, and find­ing some sur­pris­es. I had been think­ing about see­ing what I could do about get­ting my grand­moth­er Helen Har­ris’s divorce papers… Con­tin­ue read­ing My Grandmother’s Divorce


Archival Publications: Newspapers and Magazines

Many geneal­o­gists are aware of his­tor­i­cal news­pa­pers, and search them out on,, and the Library of Con­gress. But there are some impor­tant archival pub­li­ca­tions that are avail­able with the orig­i­nal pub­lish­ers. Harper’s Mag­a­zine has been pub­lish­ing month­ly issues since July 1850. Cur­rent suscribers to the mag­a­zine have access to all of the con­tent… Con­tin­ue read­ing Archival Pub­li­ca­tions: News­pa­pers and Mag­a­zines


WDYTYA Episode 205: Lionel Richey

Fri­day night, NBC aired the fifth episode of the sec­ond sea­son of Who Do You Think You Are?, its flag­ship geneal­o­gy real­i­ty TV show. The show is more com­pelling, with a quick­er pro­gres­sion of facts and dis­cov­er­ies, and a focus on the emo­tion­al and very human reac­tion the celebri­ties expe­ri­ence as they dis­cov­er, or are… Con­tin­ue read­ing WDYTYA Episode 205: Lionel Richey


iPad 2 Run Down

Apple intro­duced the iPad 2 yes­ter­day. This is about 9 months since the first iPad was released. The device has sold 15 mil­lion units. Accord­ing to some ana­lysts, this makes it the fastest sell­ing con­sumer tech­nol­o­gy prod­uct ever. I have to admit that I did not think the iPad would catch on. It seemed a… Con­tin­ue read­ing iPad 2 Run Down


RootsTech 2011: The Changing Face of Genealogy

The fol­low­ing is a video of Curt Witcher’s keynote address from Root­sTech 2011: “The Chang­ing Face of Geneal­o­gy: Curt Witch­er, Allen Coun­ty Pub­lic Library.” Thanks to Geni­aus and Randy Seaver of Genea-Mus­ings for point­ing this out. On a per­son­al note, it’s been a dif­fi­cult day, what with fail­ures at Net­work Solu­tions tak­ing down this blog,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Root­sTech 2011: The Chang­ing Face of Geneal­o­gy


Ancestry Increases Subscriber Base by 31%

Now that Inc. is a pub­lic com­pa­ny (ACOM: Google Finance), they are required to divulge more infor­ma­tion about their per­for­mance than they did as a pri­vate ven­ture. For them, the news is good. Ear­li­er this week, they announced their year 2010 fig­ures, which includ­ed notably sub­scriber growth of 31% year-over-year and a 34% increase… Con­tin­ue read­ing Ances­try Increas­es Sub­scriber Base by 31%


Black History Month at FamilySearch

Fam­il­y­Search made the fol­low­ing announce­ment on Mon­day: Salt Lake City—This month, mil­lions of indi­vid­u­als of African descent are cel­e­brat­ing Black His­to­ry Month by explor­ing their fam­i­ly his­to­ry roots. In the U.S., Fam­il­y­Search vol­un­teers have been busy help­ing dig­i­tize his­toric doc­u­ments and cre­ate free, search­able index­es to them online. Through­out Africa, from Accra to Zim­bab­we, where… Con­tin­ue read­ing Black His­to­ry Month at Fam­il­y­Search

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