WDYTYA Episode 204: Kim Cattrall

I have been trav­el­ing, and only today got a chance to see the Kim Cat­trall episode of Who Do You Think You Are?, or at least the last 45 min­utes of it.

In this episode, Ms. Cat­trall, with the help of geneal­o­gists in the Unit­ed King­dom, runs down her miss­ing grand­fa­ther. He had aban­doned her grand­moth­er, moth­er, and two aunts some 70 years ago.

If any­thing the shows are get­ting more and more engag­ing. This episode was less about the doc­u­ments and more about what must have been going on in the star’s bigamist grand­fa­ther’s head.

You can see why the show has been renewed for anoth­er sea­son. This is engag­ing tele­vi­sion. While, as a geneal­o­gist, I could quib­ble that most sto­ries are not this heart-wrench­ing, nor do they involve this much decep­tion, I sim­ply can­not deny that this is pop­corn-munch­ing enter­tain­ment, designed to keep peo­ple com­ing back for more.

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