RootsTech 2011: The Changing Face of Genealogy

The fol­low­ing is a video of Curt Witcher’s keynote address from Root­sTech 2011: “The Chang­ing Face of Geneal­o­gy: Curt Witch­er, Allen Coun­ty Pub­lic Library.” Thanks to Geni­aus and Randy Seaver of Genea-Mus­ings for point­ing this out.

On a per­son­al note, it’s been a dif­fi­cult day, what with fail­ures at Net­work Solu­tions tak­ing down this blog, as well as my wife’s cro­chet blog (, and 6 oth­er web­sites I man­age. At first, the issue was a data­base sync-ing issue. When I called them to work on that, at about 1:00 a.m. last night, they oblig­ed by remov­ing all the files under /htdocs. The files, as well as the data­bas­es were up by about 4 p.m., mean­ing that it was only (!) about 15 hours of down­time, but I noticed that some of the more recent uploads to a cou­ple of the sites were not in evi­dence; I had to upload files again. So, they restored the site from back­ups.…

Ama­zon EC2, here I come!

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