Friday night, NBC aired the fifth episode of the second season of Who Do You Think You Are?, its flagship genealogy reality TV show. The show is more compelling, with a quicker progression of facts and discoveries, and a focus on the emotional and very human reaction the celebrities experience as they discover, or are… Continue reading WDYTYA Episode 205: Lionel Richey
Month: March 2011
iPad 2 Run Down
Apple introduced the iPad 2 yesterday. This is about 9 months since the first iPad was released. The device has sold 15 million units. According to some analysts, this makes it the fastest selling consumer technology product ever. I have to admit that I did not think the iPad would catch on. It seemed a… Continue reading iPad 2 Run Down
RootsTech 2011: The Changing Face of Genealogy
The following is a video of Curt Witcher’s keynote address from RootsTech 2011: “The Changing Face of Genealogy: Curt Witcher, Allen County Public Library.” Thanks to Geniaus and Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings for pointing this out. On a personal note, it’s been a difficult day, what with failures at Network Solutions taking down this blog,… Continue reading RootsTech 2011: The Changing Face of Genealogy
WDYTYA Episode 204: Kim Cattrall
I have been traveling, and only today got a chance to see the Kim Cattrall episode of Who Do You Think You Are?, or at least the last 45 minutes of it. In this episode, Ms. Cattrall, with the help of genealogists in the United Kingdom, runs down her missing grandfather. He had abandoned her… Continue reading WDYTYA Episode 204: Kim Cattrall