John Graham’s Children

John Gra­ham (No. 2) who was a son of John Gra­ham, Sr., who lived and died on a por­tion of his father’s farm on the Calf Pas­ture, had five sons and three daugh­ters.

He was born in the year 1726 and died in 1815. The names of his sons were John (No. 3), James, Robert, William and Lan­ty. The names of the daugh­ters were Mar­garet, Eliz­a­beth and Martha. Eliz­a­beth mar­ried a Mr. Brat­ton. Martha, who was born in 1772 and died in 1856, mar­ried Robert Dun­lap. There were born to her two chil­dren, the Rev. Mitchell D. and Charles A. Dun­lap. The Rev. Mitchell Dun­lap was a promi­nent min­is­ter in the Pres­by­ter­ian church and served with dis­tinc­tion in many church­es of his faith in Green­bri­er, Mon­roe, Poc­a­hon­tas and oth­er coun­ties of West Vir­ginia and his native State.He died but a few years ago and was buried at Union, Mon­roe coun­ty. [22] He had no chil­dren. His wife was Mary J. Dun­lap of Mon­roe coun­ty.

Charles A. Dun­lap lived on his father’s farm on the Calf Pas­ture and had born to him five sons and two daugh­ters. The names of his sons are Mitchell A. and Charles Pre­ston, who live in Poc­a­hon­tas coun­ty, West Vir­ginia; Robert A. and John W., who live in Augus­ta. One son, James Lyle, and one daugh­ter, Nan­cy T., are dead. The remain­ing daugh­ter, Lora, togeth­er with her moth­er and her broth­er, John W., live on their father’s farm, it being part of the same farm owned by their great great grand­fa­ther, John Gra­ham, Sr., who pur­chased it from Lewis and Pat­ton as before men­tioned. Thus it will be seen that this land now in pos­ses­sion of the fifth gen­er­a­tion was orig­i­nal­ly pur­chased more than one hun­dred and fifty years ago.

It was the priv­i­lege of the writer to vis­it this old “home­stead” for the first time in May, 1898, and “viewed the land­scape o’er”, where was reared his grand­moth­er, his great uncles and aunts more [23] than one and half cen­turies ago. The orig­i­nal farm of six hun­dred and nine­ty-six acres lies on both sides of the Calf Pas­ture Riv­er, is most­ly bot­tom land and it is locat­ed about four miles below Deer­field and 25 miles north­west of Staunton, at Mar­ble Val­ley P.O., extend­ing a dis­tance of two miles along the riv­er; por­tions of it is now owned by a Wm. Clay­ton. On anoth­er adjoin­ing tract of land owned by John Gra­ham, Sr., there was a grist mill built by him about the year 1755. Mr. Clay­ton, in remov­ing the old stone foun­da­tion dur­ing the sum­mer of 1898 and after the writer’s vis­it, found on one of the cor­ner­stones imbed­ded in the old wall the date “1755” cut in the stone. At the time of the writer’s vis­it the wall was intact and well pre­served, though the mill itself had long since been torn down. The water pow­er of this mill was fur­nished by two large foun­tain springs which had their source near each oth­er on an ele­va­tion over­look­ing the mill. There is lit­tle doubt but that this was the first mill built in that sec­tion of the coun­try. There [24] now stands a good flour­ing mill a short dis­tance below the old foun­da­tion wall that is run the year round by two springs as named and does a good pay­ing busi­ness.

Jane Gra­ham, daugh­ter of John Gra­ham, Sr., mar­ried a Mr. Lock­ridge of Augus­ta coun­ty and raised a large fam­i­ly; the names of those we have been able to ascer­tain are as fol­lows: John, Andrew, Lan­ty (Lancelot), James, Robert and one or two oth­er sons who moved to Ken­tucky in the ear­ly set­tle­ment of that State and whose names have not been giv­en us.

Dr. J. B. Lock­ridge of Driscol, Poc­a­hon­tas co., West Vir­ginia, is a grand­son of Lan­ty Lock­ridge and con­se­quent­ly a great grand­son of Jane Lock­ridge, nee Gra­ham.

Dr. John E. Lock­ridge of Indi­anapo­lis, Indi­ana, is a grand­son of John Lock­ridge and like­wise a great grand­son of Jane Gra­ham Lock­ridge. Mrs. L. E. Dysard of Green Bank, Poc­a­hon­tas coun­ty, is a grand­daugh­ter of Andrew Lock­ridge. The late Col. James T. Lock­ridge [25] of Poc­a­honats coun­ty (son of Lan­ty) was a grand­son of Jack Lock­ridge. There are many oth­er descen­dants of Jane Lock­ridge in Poc­a­hon­tas coun­ty as well as oth­ers scat­tered over the many West­ern states.

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