Florence Graham married

Flo­rence Gra­ham, daugh­ter of John Gra­ham, Sr., was born about the year 1744, though we have not the exact date. True to the tra­di­tions of her Scot­tish ances­tors, she accept­ed a prof­fered offer for life’s com­pan­ion­ship from one of her clan, and mar­ried on the 17th day of Feb­ru­ary, 1762, her cousin, James Gra­ham, She, with her hus­band, set­tled in the vicin­i­ty of her parental home on the Lit­tle Calf Pas­ture Riv­er and lived there some eight or ten years. The records of the Clerk’s Office of Augus­ta Coun­ty show that James Gra­ham owned land in that coun­ty about this time, which was dis­posed of by deed by him and his wife, Flo­rence, a few years lat­er. About [41] the year 1770 or pos­si­bly a lit­tle lat­er, James Gra­ham with his fam­i­ly moved to Green­bri­er Riv­er and set­tled in what is now Sum­mers Coun­ty, W. Va., on the oppo­site side of the riv­er from where the vil­lage of Low­ell now stands. The house in which he lived is the same house, togeth­er with the farm now owned and occu­pied by Bun­yan L. Kesler. This sub­stan­tial­ly con­struct­ed old log house was built near­ly a cen­tu­ry and a quar­ter ago. Its pecu­liar and strong con­struc­tion shows con­clu­sive­ly that it was built with a view of secu­ri­ty to its inmates from the assault of Indi­an foes, who less than a decade pre­vi­ous had attacked and killed a por­tion of the Gra­ham fam­i­ly.

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