Elizabeth Stodghill, nee Graham

She had to be care­ful­ly watched and even at [99] times con­fined to pre­vent her wild, wan­der­ing nature from reassert­ing itself, but as the years passed by, her love for Indi­an habits and cus­toms decreased in the same pro­por­tion that her love for civ­i­liza­tion increased. She mar­ried Joel Stodghill in the year 1792 and set­tled on Hans Creek, Mon­roe coun­ty, and to them were born five sons and four daugh­ters. She died March 22nd, 1858. William Gra­ham, the old­est son, mar­ried Har­ri­et Walk­er and lived and died on Hans Creek. William was born Novem­ber 27, 1794, and died Decem­ber 5, 1850.

Rho­da S. Stodghill mar­ried William Mann. She was born Feb­ru­ary the 16th, 1795. She had one son with whom we were acquaint­ed. His name was William. He was a den­tist by pro­fes­sion. Rho­da S. Mann died March 10th, 1878.

William Gra­ham Stodghill had four daugh­ters and one son. His old­est daugh­ter, Clarin­da, mar­ried Thomas John­son and his wid­ow still lives in Iowa.

Rebec­ca Stodghill mar­ried Caper­ton McNeer, [100] who lives near Lin­side, Mon­roe coun­ty, West Vir­ginia. They have some chil­dren, names not rec­ol­lect­ed.

Nan­cy Stodghill mar­ried John Mann. Ada­line Stodghill mar­ried a Live­ly. Christo­pher Stodghill mar­ried a Miss Swope. The three last named are dead. John Stodghill, born April 22nd, 1798, died April 2nd, 1832, unmar­ried. Flo­ra (Flo­rence) Stodghill, born April 17, 1801, mar­ried a Mr. Dunn; died March 25, 1878. James Stodghill, born May 12, 1803, mar­ried a Miss John­ston; died April 6, 1836. Samuel Stodghill, born Octo­ber 18, 1805; died Octo­ber 15, 1850; not mar­ried. Nan­cy Stodghill, born Feb­ru­ary 22nd, 1808, mar­ried Hen­ry Pence Novem­ber 29, 1829; raised six chil­dren, four sons and two daugh­ters. Hen­ry Pence was born in Bath coun­ty, Vir­ginia, June 23rd, 1800. Nan­cy S. Stodghill was born in Mon­roe coun­ty, Vir­ginia, Feb­ru­ary 22nd, 1808; died June 26, 1880. Their children’s names are Aman­da J. Pence, born Sep­tem­ber 6, 1830; Lewis A. Pence, born March [101] the 28th, 1832; John H. Pence, born Decem­ber 18th, 1834; William W. Pence, born Octo­ber 11th, 1837; Andrew P. Pence, born Jan­u­ary the 12th, 1840; Har­ri­et E. Pence, born, Octo­ber 27th, 1844; Eliz­a­beth Stodghill, born Sep­tem­ber 24th, 1810; died in infan­cy; Joel Stodghill, Jr., born Novem­ber 23rd, 1812. He mar­ried a McGee.

We are indebt­ed for the above age and death record to Mrs. J. P. Shanklin. Here is what Mrs. Shanklin says: “This was copi.ed from the Stodghill Bible by Ellen (McNeer) Shanklin, a great grand­daugh­ter of Joel and Eliz­a­beth (Gra­ham) Stodghill. Joel Stodghill, Sr., was born about the year 1765 and died Octo­ber 4, 1844. Aman­da J. Pence and Richard T. McNeer were mar­ried Feb­ru­ary 28, 1848, by Rev. Gilbert. Their children’s names are: Hen­ry P. McNeer; mar­ried E. C. Hunter of Mon­roe coun­ty, West Vir­ginia; Ellen V. McNeer; mar­ried John P. Shanklin of Mon­roe coun­ty, West Vir­ginia; Vir­ginia C. McNeer mar­ried Dr. C. W. Span­gler of Mon­roe coun­ty, West Vi.rginia; Har­ri­et E. McNeer [102] mar­ried Theo. Dulaney, Mon­roe coun­ty, West Vir­ginia; Flo­rence May McNeer mar­ried Dr. G. A. Flournoy of Louisiana for her first hus­band and W. M. Jen­nings of Vir­ginia for her sec­ond hus­band; Dr. Hed­ly V. McNeer mar­ried Min­nie Watts­gaver of Vir­ginia and is a prac­tic­ing physi­cian at Bramwell, West Vir­ginia; R. E. Lee McNeer, lawyer, of Union, West Vir­ginia; Lewis C. McNeer who owns and lives at the old home farm of R. T. McNeer near Salt Sul­phur Springs, West Vir­ginia and Dr. Richard L. McNeer of Bal­ti­more.

Lewis A. Pence, born March 28, 1832, mar­ried Mary J. Neel. They were mar­ried Decem­ber 8th, 1858, by Rev. R. B. Rose. Four chil­dren were born to them, viz: Hor­a­tio, Min­nie, Nan­nie and Dewey. Dewey mar­ried Ella Arnott; Min­nie mar­ried Dr. Jim Boone, both of Mon­roe coun­ty, West Vir­ginia.

W. W. Pence has four chil­dren. Kate S. Pence, his old­est child, mar­ried Ash­by John­son and lives in Alder­son. James R. Pence mar­ried [103] Miss Ethel Thomas of Lewis­burg and lives at the old Pence home on Indi­an creek. Alice B. and Har­ri­ett W. Pence are at home with their moth­er. W. W. Pence and Sarah J. Shanklin were mar­ried Decem­ber 12th, 1867 by the Rev. M. H. Bit­tenger. John H. Pence and Jen­nie Camp­bell were mar­ried Jan­u­ary the 8th, 1863 by Rev. M. H. Bit­tenger. Their children’s names (all sin­gle) are: Mil­lard, Min­nie, Fint, William, Wal­ter, George and Nan­nie. Har­ri­ett E. Pence and H. J. Far­ri­er were mar­ried Feb­ru­ary 23, 1863 by the Rev. M. H. Bit­tenger. They have four chil­dren, viz: Hen­ry, Mart, Nan­nie and Frank. Hen­ry mar­ried Min­nie Porter­field. Mart mar­ried a Miss Foote. Nan­nie mar­ried Kel­ley Grose­close. Frank is at home with his moth­er near New­port, Giles coun­ty, Vir­ginia. A. P. Pence and Sal­lie A. Lewis were mar­ried Novem­ber 30th, 1871 by the Rev. M. H. Bit­tenger. Their children’s names are: Dick, Bessie, Silas H., George L. and Nel­lie. A. P. Pence lives at Buf­fa­lo Springs, Sum­mers coun­ty, West Vir­ginia.

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