[ The descendants of Lanty Kincaid ]

We will now notice briefly the descen­dants of Lan­ty Kin­caid, the broth­er of Math­ew, as before stat­ed. He mar­ried a Miss Scott of Green­bri­er coun­ty, and set­tled on Mud­dy Creek, on [30] what was after­wards known as the William Ander­son place near Asbury. In the lat­ter year of his life he moved to Lick Creek in what is now Sum­mers coun­ty and died there about 1850. He had three sons and five daugh­ters. The names of the sons were Math­ew, who died in ear­ly life; John and Lan­ty. The daugh­ters were Rebec­ca, Julia, Katy, Cyn­thia and Nan­cy. John Kin­caid lived and died on Lick Creek. Two of his sons, Charles and Lewis, were promi­nent Bap­tist preach­ers, both hav­ing, how­ev­er, died in the prime of life. Lewis died about the year 1890 and Charles some four or five years lat­er. Octavia, daugh­ter of John Kin­caid, mar­ried St. Clair Bur­dett, and if liv­ing, lives in Jack­son coun­ty, this State.

Lan­ty Kin­caid, son of Lan­ty, Sr., and broth­er of John, mar­ried for his first wife a Miss Arey, sis­ter to Major A. Arey of Green­bri­er coun­ty. of his fam­i­ly we are not pre­pared to give a detailed account. He had a son Aleck (Alexan­dria), whose where­abouts we have lost sight of. Also [31] a son, Lan­ty, who now lives on Snake Run Creek near Blue Sul­phur Springs in Green­bri­er coun­ty. He prob­a­bly had oth­er chil­dren.

Rebec­ca Kin­caid, daugh­ter of Lan­ty, Sr., mar­ried for her first hus­band William Gra­ham, son of William Gra­ham, Sr., and grand­son of Col. James Gra­ham. She, with her hus­band, moved west about the year 1845, where he died a few years lat­er in Davies coun­ty, Mis­souri. She, with her three chil­dren, then returned to Mon­roe coun­ty and after­wards mar­ried John Miller, a black­smith and set­tled at Pales­tine, Green­bri­er coun­ty, where they lived for a num­ber of years. Lat­er they moved to Blaker’s Mill in that coun­ty, where Mr. Miller died sev­er­al years ago, leav­ing her to pass away with­in the last year in about her 80th year. By her sec­ond hus­band she had one son and three daugh­ters. Sal­lie mar­ried Lee Rook­stool, son of John Rook­stool, who now resides on A por­tion of his father’s estate on Mud­dy Creek. Susan, the youngest, mar­ried a Mr. Hogshead And lived near Blue Sul­phur [32] Springs, Green­bri­er coun­ty. Nan­nie, the old­est, togeth­er with her broth­er, Samuel, B. Miller, con­sti­tute the fam­i­ly now remain­ing at their father’s home­place, near Blaker’s Mill. Samuel is a fine mechan­ic and is mak­ing a suc­cess­ful liv­ing in the black­smith and wag­on trade.

By her mar­riage with Gra­ham she had three chil­dren, James Lan­ty, Cather­ine and Julia.

James learned the blacksmith’s trade under the tutor­ship of his step-father and became one of the most effi­cient work­men at the anvil of his day. Before learn­ing the blacksmith’s trade, how­ev­er, and while a mere boy in the praries of the west, he had learned the skill of firearms and their use in bag­ging the game that was then so plen­ti­ful on the plains. This skill of arms and his love of hunt­ing lie brought back from his west­ern home to his native moun­tains and few were the hunters of his day that could boast of killing more deer than he. At tar­get prac­tice he had rarely a suc­cess­ful com­peti­tor. He has been known to wound a deer and, while run­ning [33] at full speed, reload his muz­zle-load­ing moun­tain rifle, at the same time keep­ing his eye on the mean­der­ing route of the wound­ed deer and, with­out stop­ping, bring his gun to his face and direct a dead­ly shot at the run­ning deer. It is believed that he has killed more deer with few­er shots going astray than any oth­er hunter of his time. Had he been sup­plied with the mod­ern repeat­ing Win­ches­ter rifles instead of his moun­tain muz­zle-loader, the deer of his local­i­ty would have been extinct long before they were. He mar­ried a Miss Wills and reared a large fam­i­ly; viz: Mol­lie, who mar­ried Robert With­row; Julia, who mar­ried James Har­ris; Fan­nie, who mar­ried George Dun­can; Bet­ty (Eliz­a­beth), who mar­ried C. J. Andrews; William, who mar­ried Miss Bur­dette and James, who mar­ried Miss Sur­bough. He is now liv­ing near Mead­ow Bluff in Green­bri­er coun­ty and still brings down his heavy blows on the “hon­est anvil”. Cather­ine Gra­ham, sis­ter to James L., mar­ried Edward George, son of Col. William George of Mud­dy Creek. [34] She died sev­er­al years ago. Julia, the younger sis­ter, died soon after the Civ­il War unmar­ried.

Julia Kin­caid mar­ried Samuel McCorkle, who lived for a num­ber of years on Green­bri­er riv­er, about one mile above Haynes’ Fer­ry. Three of her chil­dren, William Gra­ham McCorkle, Mas­ton McCorkle and Rebec­ca Eads, wife of George W. Eads, are still liv­ing. William and Rebec­ca live year Stock Yards, Sum­mers coun­ty and Mas­ton lives in Mer­cer coun­ty and is a suc­cess­ful lum­ber man­u­fac­tur­er there. Julia McCorkle died about the year 1885 and her hus­band pre­ced­ed many years before.

Cyn­thia Kin­caid mar­ried Samuel Tinch­er and to them were born sev­er­al sons and daugh­ters, many of whom are still liv­ing; notably, Charles L., who lives at Alder­son, Mon­roe coun­ty. John, a Methodist preach­er who lives in Texas. Cyn­thia died at an advanced age dur­ing the past year, her hus­band hav­ing died some twen­ty-five years ago. The oth­er two remain­ing Kin­caid daugh­ters, Cather­ine and Nan­cy, mar­ried broth­ers of [35] the name of Heffn­er, but I can­not give any account of them or their descen­dants. They lived on Anthony’s Creek.

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