Anne, daughter of John Graham, Sr.

Anna, daugh­ter of John Gra­ham, Sr., mar­ried John Kinkead (now writ­ten Kin­caid) and moved to Anthony’s Creek in Green­bri­er coun­ty. At what date they locat­ed in Green­bri­er we do not know, but believe it must have been in the ear­ly set­tle­ment of that coun­ty. Of their chil­dren, we can only recall any knowl­edge of but three: these the writer per­son­al­ly knew. There were doubt­less oth­ers, but we do not remem­ber to have seen or heard of them. The names of the three known to us were Math­ew, Lan­ty and Bet­sey (Eliz­a­beth).

Math­ew mar­ried Miss Eliz­a­beth Scott of Green­bri­er coun­ty and Lan­ty also mar­ried a Scott, sis­ter to Mathew’s wife. Eliz­a­beth mar­ried for her first hus­band a Mr. Hop­kins and, after his death, mar­ried a Clark. To the first union was born one child, whose name I do not recall, and to the [26] sec­ond hus­band were born oth­er chil­dren, one of whom, Eliz­a­beth, mar­ried Math­ew Lowe, father of John and Granville Lowe, who are now liv­ing and pros­per­ous farm­ers in this coun­ty.*

Math­ew Lowe had three daugh­ters — the writer rec­ol­lects Eliza A., who mar­ried Mr. Ander­son Wheel­er for her first hus­band. They had sev­er­al chil­dren: J. C. Wheel­er, Robert Wheel­er and Mrs. Wad­dle, that we knew.

Mrs. Eliza A. Wheel­er mar­ried for her sec­ond hus­band Mr. Sylvester Upton of this coun­ty, who stood promi­nent in his day with the peo­ple. He was elect­ed to the Leg­is­la­ture of West Vir­ginia some twen­ty years ago.

Anoth­er daugh­ter of Mrs. Lowe’s, Agnes, mar­ried Mr. Peter Wyant and lives at the West end of the Big-Bend Tun­nel. Anoth­er daugh­ter, Rebec­ca, mar­ried Jor­dan Grim­mett. Two of their sons are promi­nent school teach­ers; they live at Buck post office, this coun­ty.

    * When ref­er­ence is made in these pages to “this coun­ty”, Sum­mers coun­ty, West Vir­ginia, is meant. back

[27] Anoth­er daugh­ter of Eliz­a­beth Clark mar­ried a Mr. Hen­ry Smith, father of the late Lewis A. Smith, who lived and died near For­est Hill, this coun­ty, sev­er­al of whose chil­dren are now liv­ing, name­ly: Lewis Smith, William Smith, Mrs. Hen­ry Schultz and Mrs. Lewis Mead­ows.

Math­ew Kin­caid reared a large fam­i­ly of nine daugh­ters and one son. From the year 1836 to the time of his death in 1860, he lived at the Mouth of Hungart’s Creek, near Tal­cott, on what is known as the Wood­son farm, it being the same farm on which the vil­lage of Tal­cott now stands. The names of his chil­dren are as fol­lows: Katy, Ann Gra­ham, Jane, Lan­ty Gra­ham, Sarah, Flo­rence Gra­ham, Nan­cy, Rebec­ca, Eliz­a­beth and Susan. Katy mar­ried and locat­ed on Horse Shoe Creek in Fayette coun­ty.

Jane mar­ried Moses Hedrick, father of Wm. C. Hedrick, now deputy sher­iff, and Geo. W. Hedrick, late mem­ber of the coun­ty court and John and Math­ew Hedrick of this coun­ty. They also had three daugh­ters, Eliz­a­beth, who [28] died unmar­ried at the age of 18. Mary Ann, who mar­ried William Wyant and lives near Pis­gah, and Susan, who mar­ried John Allen (son of Nathaniel Allen) and now lives in Mer­cer coun­ty.

Moses Hedrick lived for a num­ber of years on Hungart’s Creek and lat­er near Pis­gah church where both he and his wife died with­in a short time of each oth­er some three years ago.

Flo­rence Gra­ham Kin­caid mar­ried Isaac Tinch­er and, after his death, mar­ried for her sec­ond hus­band Thomas Hol­stein, who, togeth­er with his wife, live near Pis­gah church in this coun­ty. She has liv­ing two sons, Grandeur and George Hol­stein, both of whom occu­py impor­tant posi­tions with the C. & O. R. R. Co., the lat­ter being one of the company’s most trust­ed engi­neers. Flo­rence is one of the two of Math­ew Kincaid’s fam­i­ly who is still liv­ing.
Lan­ty Gra­ham Kin­caid mar­ried Eliza Keller, sis­ter of George Keller, who now lives on the old Keller farm at Low­ell. Lan­ty moved to Illi­nois soon after the Civ­il War and died there some years [29] lat­er. of his fam­i­ly lit­tle is known by the writer, except his old­est son, William, mar­ried Emma, daugh­ter of the late Col. Wil­son Live­ly of Mon­roe coun­ty, whose wid­ow and fam­i­ly lived since the Civ­il War at Low­ell on the old Gra­ham home­stead, of which men­tion will here­after be made. William Kin­caid and fam­i­ly are, as we under­stand, now liv­ing in Ore­gon.

Nan­cy and Susan mar­ried broth­ers, Richard and Grif­fith Mead­ows, both of whom have chil­dren now liv­ing.

Rebec­ca mar­ried Hen­ry Karnes of Mer­cer coun­ty and still has chil­dren liv­ing in that coun­ty.

Sarah Kin­caid mar­ried Samuel Humphreys and lived for a time on the land now occu­pied by a por­tion of the town of Tal­cott. Lat­er he moved to Cen­ter­ville (now Greenville), Mon­roe coun­ty, where his wife died some years lat­er.


    1. This is the text of a book: His­to­ry of the Gra­ham Fam­i­ly by David Gra­ham (Pri­vate­ly print­ed, Clay­ton, WV: 1899).

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