Eulogy for Alice Jones

I think of my moth­er are an adven­tur­ous per­son. She thought noth­ing about pack­ing the five of us into a VW bug and head­ing to British Colum­bia. Or, when we were more grown, into a sta­tion wag­on and head­ing to West Vir­ginia, or Boston. When she want­ed to revamp the kitchen cab­i­nets, but couldn’t afford… Con­tin­ue read­ing Eulo­gy for Alice Jones

Alice May Jones

Alice May Jones passed away May 26, 2014 in Scott Town­ship, Alleghe­ny Coun­ty, Penn­syl­va­nia. She was born March 16, 1928 in Ord, Nebras­ka, the only child of Ernest Melvin Hill and Helen Kjer­s­tine John­son. Her father was a cloth­ier who lost his busi­ness in the Depres­sion and returned to farm­ing; he died when she was… Con­tin­ue read­ing Alice May Jones

Mental Health Records Access

Steve Lux­en­berg writes in the Detroit Free Press about the over-the-top pro­tec­tions afford­ed to the dead in his arti­cle “Dead and gone and still pri­vate: Med­ical record laws need updat­ing.” Suf­fice it to say that med­ical, and espe­cial­ly men­tal health records are locked up far longer than is nec­es­sary. As far as I am con­cerned,… Con­tin­ue read­ing Men­tal Health Records Access

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