NGS 2022 — Turbo Charge Your Research Planning with Trello

I pro­vide many of the mate­ri­als from my pre­sen­ta­tions for free on this site, to help peo­ple learn how to use tech­nol­o­gy to improve their suc­cess with geneal­o­gy research.

I get paid to cre­ate and present these mate­ri­als, of course. And I hope you or your soci­ety will hire me. But that is sec­ondary to help­ing oth­ers by shar­ing some of what I have learned.

On 28 May 2022, I spoke at the NGS 2022 con­fer­ence in Sacra­men­to, Cal­i­for­nia. Here are the slides from that pre­sen­ta­tion.

And here is the syl­labus.

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