
If you have a fam­i­ly his­to­ry that you want to pub­lish, there are sev­er­al ways you can do this. Let’s assume for the moment that you want to pub­lish the book in print for­mat, but you don’t want to become a pub­lish­er or main­tain a lot of inven­to­ry. You want to make the book avail­able… Con­tin­ue read­ing Self-Pub­lish­ing


Books in Browsers: Brewster Kahle and E‑Books

There is a lot of dis­cus­sion in the geneal­o­gy world about e‑books. Of course, there are large book dig­i­ti­za­tion projects: Google Books and Inter­net Archive being the two best known. (In 2008, Microsoft can­celled a book dig­i­ti­za­tion project that had scanned more than 750,000 books.) While Google has got­ten into some legal hot water by… Con­tin­ue read­ing Books in Browsers: Brew­ster Kahle and E‑Books


Dreaming of Clouds

If any­thing, the rush to pro­vide con­tent in the cloud is begin­ning to speed up. On March 29th, Ama­zon announced its Cloud Dri­ve ser­vice, focus­ing on stor­age of MP3 audio files, which can be streamed from the web with Ama­zon’s Cloud Play­er. Cloud Dri­ve is able to store any dig­i­tal files. On May 10th, Google… Con­tin­ue read­ing Dream­ing of Clouds


Behind the Scenes at NGS 2011: Blog Talk Radio

Thomas MacEn­tee did a BlogTalkRa­dio inter­view with Jan Alpert, NGS 2011 Con­fer­ence Chair and Imme­di­ate Past Pres­i­dent of NGS and Julie Miller, CG, NGS 2012 Con­fer­ence Chair and Vice Pres­i­dent of the NGS. This was a rare behind-the-scenes inter­view with two lead­ers who have orga­nized and led con­fer­ences. It’s a rare look behind the scenes… Con­tin­ue read­ing Behind the Scenes at NGS 2011: Blog Talk Radio


Read it Later vs. Instapaper

I have become a fan of two com­pet­ing prod­ucts, Instapa­per and Read it Lat­er. These appli­ca­tions sit in your brows­er, and allow you to quick­ly archive a web­page for lat­er read­ing. They clean up the web­page, remov­ing ads and com­pli­cat­ed script­ing, so you just have the text you want to read. You can then read… Con­tin­ue read­ing Read it Lat­er vs. Instapa­per


NGS 2011 Conference in Charleston, South Carolina

I attend­ed the 2011 Nation­al Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety Fam­i­ly His­to­ry Con­fer­ence held in Charleston, South Car­oli­na this past week. I was pleased to have been asked to give three talks: The inau­gur­al Birdie Monk Holsclaw Memo­r­i­al Lec­ture (slides), a lec­ture on Google and search method­olo­gies (slides), and the NGS Gen­Tech Lun­cheon talk (slides), which was on… Con­tin­ue read­ing NGS 2011 Con­fer­ence in Charleston, South Car­oli­na

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