NGS 2011 Conference in Charleston, South Carolina

I attend­ed the 2011 Nation­al Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety Fam­i­ly His­to­ry Con­fer­ence held in Charleston, South Car­oli­na this past week.

I was pleased to have been asked to give three talks: The inau­gur­al Birdie Monk Holsclaw Memo­r­i­al Lec­ture (slides), a lec­ture on Google and search method­olo­gies (slides), and the NGS Gen­Tech Lun­cheon talk (slides), which was on the top­ic of social media.

It was a good con­fer­ence, with more knowl­edge­able and vol­u­ble speak­ers than one could pos­si­bly see. I espe­cial­ly liked Buzzy Jack­son’s gen­er­al ses­sion talk about how she became a geneal­o­gist, and how it’s our job to make our descen­dants think of us as the ones who saved the sto­ries for them. Addi­tion­al­ly, I enjoyed the talk giv­en by Glenn F. McConnell, Pres­i­dent pro tem­pore of the South Car­oli­na State Sen­ate about the his­to­ry, dis­cov­ery, and rais­ing of the H. L. Hun­ley.

I was also pleased that my own talks seem to have been well received.

The next major excur­sion is to the Vir­ginia Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety con­fer­ence next week­end. The sum­mer is sim­ply full of these events.

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