Robert Graham of Fort Chiswell

[110] Robert, the oth­er broth­er of David and James, Sr., who set­tled at Fort Chiswell, Wythe coun­ty, Vir­ginia, mar­ried in Ire­land (or Scot­land) Mary Craige, who bore him four sons and two daugh­ters. The names of the sons were: Samuel, John, Robert and James; the daugh­ters names being Mar­garet, who mar­ried a McGav­ock, and Nan­cy, who mar­ried a Crock­et. After the death of Robert Graham’s first wife, he mar­ried a Miss Cow­an, by whom he had three sons, David, Joseph and Calvin. From these have descend­ed a large and influ­en­tial fam­i­ly, who live in Wythe, Tazewell and adjoin­ing coun­ties.

Robert Gra­ham accu­mu­lat­ed a large land­ed prop­er­ty, which to this day is most­ly in the hands of his descen­dants. As a remark­able coin­ci­dence, it wil1 be observed that the names of five of Robert Graham’s sons are the same as five of the sons of his broth­ers, David and James. In Robert’s fam­i­ly, we have Samuel, John, James, David and Joseph, while in James’ fam­i­ly there is John, who was killed by the Indi­ans, Samuel, James and David; and David’s fam­i­ly, John and Joseph. These facts them­selves, if [111] oth­er evi­dence was want­i­ng, prove beyond a doubt that they were broth­ers.

Samuel M. Gra­ham, of Gra­ham, Vir­ginia, a great grand­son of Robert Gra­ham, who set­tled at Fort Chiswell, Vir­ginia, about 1774. He claims that his great grand­fa­ther and the writer’s grand­fa­ther, James, who set­tled at Low­ell about 1771, were broth­ers.

As a mark of mil­i­tary tack of this fam­i­ly, James was made a Colonel and his son, William, a Major of Mon­roe coun­ty, and Samuel, a son of Robert, was a major in Tazewell coun­ty. And as to their math­e­mat­i­cal pro­cliv­i­ties, the Gra­hams had a strong incli­na­tion. We can trace sev­en sur­vey­ors and four or five very promi­nent ones of the before named fam­i­ly.


  1. Does any­one have more back­ground on the “mil­i­tary tack of this fam­i­ly”, as men­tioned above? Exact­ly what unit of mil­i­tary ser­vice was James Gra­ham made colonel of? Any details on his and oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers’ ser­vice great­ly appre­ci­at­ed!

    My mom was Susan Gra­ham Red­mond; her father was Emmons Gra­ham, a grand­son of Joseph & Rebec­ca Gra­ham, as ref­er­enced in this fam­i­ly his­to­ry

    Char­lie Red­mond

      1. Hel­lo Gra­ham fam­i­ly reserchers,
        I would like to share info on the Gra­ham fam­i­ly. I belong to the DAR through the Crouse/Asbury line. Would like to secure appro­pri­ate info too hon­or my Gra­ham ances­tors.

        Here is the run down:
        Eliz­a­beth Krouse McMullen aka Bet­tie
        Made­line Vio­let Crouse Krouse Galvin (my moth­er)
        Willie Lou Gra­ham Crouse (my grand­moth­er)
        James Charles Gra­ham (Char­lie) my Great Grand­fa­ther)
        Samuel Aaron Gra­ham known as Aaron) (my GG Grand­fa­ther
        Samuel Gra­ham Aaron“s father and my GGG Grand­fa­ther
        The fam­i­ly seat is Tazewell. Willie Lou and Hen­ry Clay Crouse moved to Mary­land in about 1922.
        I would like to nail down my Samuel. Believe his father and moth­er were Samuel and Rachel Delaney Gra­ham.
        Is there any­one who could lend me their exper­tise? E mail

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