StoryCorps Covered Survivors of Another School Massacre

The nation­al tragedy of Sandy Hook School in New­town, Con­necti­cut has shocked the coun­try. The incred­i­ble loss makes me almost speechless.NPR’s Sto­ryCorps cov­ered a Michi­gan school bomb­ing, inter­view­ing sur­vivors of the May 18, 1927 attack on a school in rur­al Bath, Michi­gan. Forty-five died in that bomb­ing. What you hear in the Sto­ryCorps record­ing, is how… Con­tin­ue read­ing Sto­ryCorps Cov­ered Sur­vivors of Anoth­er School Mas­sacre


Witness to the Lincoln Assassination Appeared on TV

Sey­mour Win­ston, he last liv­ing wit­ness to the assas­si­na­tion of Abra­ham Lin­coln appeared on the TV show “I’ve Got a Secret” on 9 Feb­ru­ary 1956. As made sense at the time, they offered him a car­ton of cig­a­rettes, but he request­ed pipe tobac­co.… The show’s pro­duc­ers knew of Mr. Win­ston because of an arti­cle that… Con­tin­ue read­ing Wit­ness to the Lin­coln Assas­si­na­tion Appeared on TV


Georgia Archives to Be Closed to the Public

Update: It seems that the Gov­er­nor of Geor­gia has found a way to return fund­ing to the Geor­gia Archives. In a move intend­ed to save mon­ey, the Geor­gia Archives will be closed to the pub­lic, start­ing 1 Novem­ber 2012. You can read a copy of the Geor­gia Sec­re­tary of State’s let­ter about the clos­ing at the Records Preser­va­tion… Con­tin­ue read­ing Geor­gia Archives to Be Closed to the Pub­lic


iBooks Author and iTunes U

Apple announced on Thurs­day their lat­est play to dom­i­nate the edu­ca­tion mar­ket. From its incep­tion, Apple has been focused on edu­ca­tion as a mar­ket. They have con­sis­tent­ly pro­vid­ed spe­cial dis­counts to edu­ca­tors and stu­dents, and they have devel­oped a series of edu­­ca­­tion-friend­­ly appli­ca­tions and prod­ucts. With­in iTunes, Apple has long had iTunes U, a col­lec­tion… Con­tin­ue read­ing iBooks Author and iTunes U


Oppose SOPA / PIPA

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Inter­net from Fight for the Future on Vimeo. I usu­al­ly do not take polit­i­cal stands here on, but two pro­posed laws could have a chill­ing effect on the open­ness that has allowed the Inter­net to flour­ish. The Stop Online Pira­cy Act (SOPA, PDF) in the US House and… Con­tin­ue read­ing Oppose SOPA / PIPA


Review: Evernote Clearly

Today, in addi­tion to enjoy­ing Thanks­giv­ing, I have been tak­ing the time to look at Ever­note Clear­ly, a brows­er plug-in for the Google Chrome brows­er that com­petes with Read­abil­i­ty, Instapa­per, Rea­d­It­Later, and the Safari Read­ing List. As an exam­ple, I took a cur­rent arti­cle from the New York Times, “War of 1812 Bicen­ten­ni­al Dis­or­ga­nized in New York… Con­tin­ue read­ing Review: Ever­note Clear­ly


Reading Apps: Readability. Instapaper. ReadItLater. Evernote.

Read­abil­i­ty is a handy tool that takes an arti­cle or web post, cleans it up, as the name implies to improve its read­abil­i­ty, and dis­plays it for you in your brows­er. They also gath­er up arti­cles post­ed this way for you to read lat­er, or to send to your Kin­dle. Aside from one-by-one view­ing of… Con­tin­ue read­ing Read­ing Apps: Read­abil­i­ty. Instapa­per. Rea­d­It­Later. Ever­note.

Published 50GB Gift to iOS Users

Box (on the web at is a ser­vice I rec­om­mend for file shar­ing. In fact, we are using it for two genealog­i­cal soci­eties where I am on the board of direc­tors. File shar­ing on is sim­ple, sim­pler even than using Google Groups and oth­er meth­ods we have tried. allows for uploads of large files… Con­tin­ue read­ing 50GB Gift to iOS Users


Free Access Week at announced Free Access to immi­gra­tion and trav­el records from around the world through Sep­tem­ber 5th. This is a very large col­lec­tion of mate­ri­als. If you are not an Ances­try sub­scriber, this would be a per­fect time to drop in to take a look and do some seri­ous research in their trav­el and immi­gra­tion records.… Con­tin­ue read­ing Free Access Week at


Zendone, Evernote, and GTD

I have writ­ten sev­er­al times about Ever­note, which has become my all-around stor­age solu­tion for notes, web clip­pings, and doc­u­ments. This is true both both in pur­suit of genealog­i­cal finds, and for per­son­al and busi­ness endeav­ors. One of the biggest gaps I have seen in the Ever­note prod­uct is its lack of a seri­ous suite… Con­tin­ue read­ing Zen­done, Ever­note, and GTD

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