Today, in addition to enjoying Thanksgiving, I have been taking the time to look at Evernote Clearly, a browser plug-in for the Google Chrome browser that competes with Readability, Instapaper, ReadItLater, and the Safari Reading List. As an example, I took a current article from the New York Times, “War of 1812 Bicentennial Disorganized in New York… Continue reading Review: Evernote Clearly
Month: November 2011
Reading Apps: Readability. Instapaper. ReadItLater. Evernote.
Readability is a handy tool that takes an article or web post, cleans it up, as the name implies to improve its readability, and displays it for you in your browser. They also gather up articles posted this way for you to read later, or to send to your Kindle. Aside from one-by-one viewing of… Continue reading Reading Apps: Readability. Instapaper. ReadItLater. Evernote.