This looks to be a powerful resource, though it will need to be faster for power users. One of the most powerful features promises to be the ability to move images from one service to another. How many of us have personal images scattered across multiple sites such as Flickr, PhotoBucket, Snapfish, Smugmug, and so on. Now, we will be able to quickly migrate images from one site to another.
This feature is not yet available for photos, but it is for documents that you might want to move from to Dropbox, or from one account to another.
Primadesk allows you to search across multiple accounts, backup multiple accounts, and — finally! — manage proliferating cloud accounts.
On my wishlist are Evernote and Officedrop integration. It would be great to be able to manage what’s in Evernote, what’s in, what’s in Dropbox, and so on from one interface. Files that I manage in Evernote, I might want to share with people in another service; this would be a quick way to do that.
Accounts are free, though the may cost something once it leaves beta. More likely, is that the site would follow the freemium model that has been so successful for Dropbox, Evernote, and other leaders in the field.