Backing Up Your Social Media

Of course, we are all told to eat our veg­eta­bles, do our exer­cise, and back­up our com­put­ers. But I’m here today to tell you to back­up your social media pres­ence. If you are like me, you have pic­tures of fam­i­ly on Face­book, Flickr, and else­where, so have e‑mail in G‑mail, you tweet, and maybe you… Con­tin­ue read­ing Back­ing Up Your Social Media

Published iOS Apps announced apps for iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices ( blog link). The free app allows mem­bers to access fam­i­ly trees they have cre­at­ed or that have been cre­at­ed by their friends, and get access to the doc­u­ments they have attached to these trees while they not at a com­put­er, but have an… Con­tin­ue read­ing iOS Apps

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