The Winter 2011 FGS Forum

If you get a chance, you should read the lat­est FGS Forum from the Fed­er­a­tion of Genealog­i­cal Soci­eties.

The mag­a­zine has had as its helm for 22 years San­dra Har­g­reaves Lue­bking, and with this issue she retires and is fêt­ed. (Pri­or to her stint as Edi­tor, Ms. Lue­bking spent 3 years as an Assis­tant Edi­tor to Loret­to Szucs, so it’s a true sil­ver anniver­sary she is cel­e­brat­ing.) My hat’s off to San­dra, whom I have only met and chat­ted with in pass­ing, but who is known in the com­mu­ni­ty for her kind­ness, gen­eros­i­ty, and the high qual­i­ty of the FGS Forum.

Mem­ber soci­eties receive copies of the FGS Forum, but indi­vid­u­als can also sub­scribe. There is cur­rent­ly a spe­cial on: One year for $15 or two years for $25. The Forum is always full of good arti­cles and news. It’s always wor­thy of a read.

In addi­tion to ful­some appre­ci­a­tion for Ms. Lue­bking on the occa­sion of her retire­ment, the Win­ter 2011 issue also includes:

  • Thomas MacEn­tee on “FGS 2011: Spring­field, Illi­nois” — In addi­tion to cov­er­ing the event itself, Thomas describes local attrac­tions and repos­i­to­ries geneal­o­gists might want to vis­it. He con­sid­ers local broad­ly: Spring­field, Chica­go, yes, but folks may not have thought about St. Louis, Wis­con­sin, and Indi­ana. (I know, for exam­ple, that I will be find­ing a way to get to the Swen­son Swedish Immi­gra­tion Research Cen­ter at Augus­tana Col­lege in Rock Island, Illi­nois.)
  • Mar­garet Cheney, a Trustee of the Ohio Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety on that Soci­ety’s library, which opened in July 2010.
  • An update on records preser­va­tion and access issues by Lin­da Cald­well McCleary.
  • Randy Seaver on why we should­n’t get seduced by online resources.

The issue is round­ed out by a series of book reviews by Paul Mil­ner.

Take a look, and con­sid­er sub­scrib­ing.

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