Evernote: There’s a Trunk for That

Ever­note, the note-tak­ing and “ele­phant-mem­o­ry” web­site has added a fea­ture they call The Trunk. Behind the Trunk link at the Ever­note web­site is a a list of tools and ven­dors that work with Ever­note.

Ever­note sports desk­top appli­ca­tions for the Mac and for PCs. Addi­tion­al­ly, when you install the Mac or PC ver­sion, you auto­mat­i­cal­ly get clip­pers for Safari and Inter­net Expor­er, respec­tive­ly. Oth­er brows­er exten­sions include:

But The Trunk goes way beyond sim­ply stan­dard brows­er plu­g­ins and desk­top apps. The Trunk includes links to mobile apps (Seesmic for iPhone and Android, apps for note tak­ing, and many oth­ers), hard­ware (scan­ners, wire­less SD pho­to cards), and gear (t‑shirts, books, actu­al phys­i­cal note­books).

Final­ly, and per­haps most inter­est­ing and new for the Ever­note team is some­thing called “Note­books,” which are shared sets of Ever­note con­tent, which func­tion like a mag­a­zine inside your free or paid Ever­note accounts.

The Trunk is a great way to find out What Works with Ever­note, but it would be nice for these appli­ca­tions to be tagged, so you could quick­ly get to appli­ca­tions that worked on par­tic­u­lar plat­forms (iPad, Android, Win­dows) or serv­er par­tic­u­lar pur­pos­es (scan­ning, OCR, hand­writ­ten input).

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there is noth­ing specif­i­cal­ly for geneal­o­gists, how­ev­er the abil­i­ty to clean up pho­tos of doc­u­ments (DocuS­can­ner) run them through OCR and send them to Ever­note would be great in a library set­ting. Addi­tion­al­ly, it would be handy to have an Eye-Fi SD card, which can send images from your cam­era over a wire­less net­work to your Ever­note account.

Ever­note is a pow­er­ful prod­uct, and the ecosys­tem that is build­ing inte­gra­tions to it con­tin­ues to alert peo­ple to the util­i­ty of this prod­uct.

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