Marcom Family Cemetery

I vis­it­ed the Mar­com Fam­i­ly Ceme­tery in Mor­risville, North Car­oli­na today.

The Mar­com Fam­i­ly Ceme­tery is on the cam­pus of Cis­co Sys­tems, Inc., near the bas­ket­ball court by Build­ing 1, right off the inter­sec­tion of Davis Dri­ve and Kit Creek Road in Mor­risville.

It’s a small, pri­vate ceme­tery that the for­mer own­ers of the land had on their farm, and under the North Car­oli­na ceme­tery laws, had to be pre­served, or a pro­tract­ed legal process would ensue. What I have heard is that Cis­co Sys­tems agreed to stip­u­late that the ceme­tery would not be dis­turbed when they pur­chased the land.

Aside from the strange loca­tion, which jux­ta­pos­es a high-tech com­pa­ny that touts effi­cien­cy and speed in its prod­ucts, and a grave­yard, where no one is going any­where, what inter­est­ed me here were that most of the graves sim­ply had the name of the deceased, with­out dates or any oth­er per­son­al infor­ma­tion. This kind of thing may have been done to save mon­ey, and can some­times pro­vide a poten­tial cor­rob­o­ra­tion of a low­er finan­cial sta­tion for a fam­i­ly.

Read the full post for the tran­scrip­tions.

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“Jen­nie Mar­com
Wife of
G. P. Roberts
Aug. 31, 1859
Sept. 26, 1925

Tho lost to sight to
Mem­o­ry dear”

“Ben­non Roberts
Asleep in Jesus”







“Ele­na R. Mar­com
June 20, 1865
Sept. 24, 1943

Rest moth­er, rest in qui­et sleep
while friends in sor­row o’er thee weep.”

“James G. Mar­com
Mar. 17, 1862
Dec. 14, 1928

Rest father rest in qui­et sleep
While friends in sor­ry o’er thee weep.”


B. H. Mar­com
Aug. 31, 1837
Aug. 27, 1922

Pre­pare to meet me in

Cor­nelia Ann
Mar. 20, 1838
Aug. 20, 1903

Let our Father’s will be

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