Research in the States

The Nation­al Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety pub­lish­es a series of books enti­tled Research in the States. Each vol­ume cov­ers the his­to­ry, laws, records and research facil­i­ties of a state. It pro­vides guid­ance for online resources as well.

Titles avail­able to this point include:

  • Arkansas by Lyn­da Childers Suf­fridge, BSE, MSE
  • Col­orado by Kath­leen W. Hinck­ley
  • Illi­nois by Diane Ren­ner Walsh, CG
  • Mary­land by Patri­cia Obrien Shawk­er, CG
  • Michi­gan by Shirley M. DeBoer, CG
  • Mis­souri by Pamela Boy­er Porter, CG, CGL and Ann Carter Flem­ing, CG, CGL
  • New Jer­sey by Claire Keenan Agthe
  • North Car­oli­na by Jef­frey L. Haines, CG
  • Ohio by Diane Van­skiv­er Gagel
  • Ore­gon by Con­nie Miller Lenzen, CG
  • Penn­syl­va­nia by Kay Hav­i­land Freilich, CG, CGL
  • Ten­nessee by Chuck Sher­rill
  • Vir­ginia by Eric G. Grund­set
  • West Vir­ginia by Bar­bara Vines Lit­tle, CG

These books are avail­able in print as well as in PDF for­mat. They are approx­i­mate­ly 50 pages each. Some states are addressed with­in the cov­ers of the Nation­al Genealog­i­cal Soci­ety Quar­ter­ly (NGSQ).

For my own research, I have picked up the PDF ver­sions of the Vir­ginia and West Vir­ginia books, in PDF for­mat. As a mem­ber of the NGS, I have also down­loaded the PDF ver­sion of the lat­est issue of the NGSQ, Vol. 98, No. 1, March 2010, which includes “Research in Nebras­ka” by Rober­ta “Bob­bi” King.

I have devoured each of these books, tak­ing notes about sources, meth­ods, how records changed, and so on, in order to get the most out of my research time.

At $8 for the PDF and $14.50 for the print­ed ver­sion (mem­bers price; non-mem­bers pay $10 and $17.50), these are an incred­i­ble val­ue, allow­ing you to focus your research. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed.

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