Completed Transcription: “History of the Graham Family” by David Graham (1899)

I have com­plet­ed post­ing the text of David Gra­ham’s His­to­ry of the Gra­ham Fam­i­ly (pri­vate­ly print­ed: Clay­ton, West Vir­ginia, 1899).

Tonight, I post­ed the last 99 pages of the 119-page vol­ume. I will do some addi­tion­al proof­read­ing, and improve the nav­i­ga­tion, but the full text is avail­able now.

The book details the his­to­ry of the Gra­ham fam­i­ly in Augus­ta Coun­ty, Vir­ginia and Green­bri­er Coun­ty, Mon­roe Coun­ty, and Sum­mers Coun­ty, Vir­ginia (lat­er West Vir­ginia) from the 1720’s or 1730’s through the 1890s. There are sto­ries of war­fare with and abduc­tion by Indi­ans and the Civ­il War, lists of slaves owned by Col. James Gra­ham (who built the Gra­ham house, which still stands, and remains one of the old­est two-sto­ry struc­tures west of the Alleghe­nies), and many oth­er tid­bits.

For Gra­hams of the Val­ley of Vir­ginia, who migrat­ed across the Alleghe­nies into what is now Green­bri­er, Mon­roe, and Sum­mers Coun­ties, West Vir­ginia, this is a sem­i­nal work. While un-sourced, the book con­tains a lot of detail, includ­ing tran­scrip­tions of wills and oth­er doc­u­ments, which can be val­i­dat­ed with orig­i­nal sources.

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